Bush did the right thing by going into Iraq.

whosewar, if you think that it is wrong to be there and you feel it was wrong to take Saddam out of power and get all of the Iraqi people out from under all of that torturious life. Well, that is you perogative, but you can not sit and tell people they are wrong for havin an opinion different then yours, which most of us on this site do. It is your choice to think all of those people in the mass graves deserve to be there, not any of the rest of ours. It really does not matter under what circumstances that we went to war, it is the fact that most of us feel it was the best thing for that country whether it was or not has yet to be seen. it will finally finish playin itself out and you and most of the other doubters will realize that you of course were wrong but will never admit it.
Sooners1 said:
whosewar, if you think that it is wrong to be there and you feel it was wrong to take Saddam out of power and get all of the Iraqi people out from under all of that torturious life..

you keep confusing yoursself with the two concepts: "take out Samdam" and "went to war with Iraq in 2003". I pro the first, and I am against the second. Obivioulsy, your brian seems cannot differ them. :D and youdonot know what I am supporting and what i am against :D

Sooners1 said:
it is the fact that most of us feel it was the best thing for that country whether it was or not has yet to be seen. .

oh yeah? u mean, bunch of nationalism in this forum represent "most" of the whole country? or cowboys in your ranch represent the whole country? I guess somebody must have told you guys the world is bigger than your thought. :roll:
It's too bad, I was hoping to get some good-hearted debate out of this topic. Oh well, looks like a troll has ended it. Like the suicide bomber of message boards, it takes the discussions with itself.
How about you go back and disprove my replies, then? You couldn't, so you turned into a flaming troll with your "you cowboys are so smart!" smartass remarks.

Try getting some class, and maybe then I won't label you a pathetic troll.
If Iraq does succeed you are going to regret having said those words big time.

whosewar2000 said:
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
Beyond the 30 nations allied with us

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

US spent 200 billion dollars and more than 1000 soldiers died. ....

We get allies, we get allies, we get allies.!!.....

I feel really shamed even mentioning this, If I were you, I'd rather did not say this at all. USA alone save the world from Sadam---more typical hollywood movie
What words is he going to regret? Bring it down a notch and have a civil and meaningful discussion or quit 'kay.
Making fun of people who die making a difference.
A few decades from now, looking back and provided that it's successful, this may be considered one of the greatest victories. When it looked like everyone had given up and Europe and the rest of the world ridiculed America it worked and as a result a country finally saw freedom.

So making fun of the people died making the difference... he's going to regret those words.
Agreed. But he dose not care so arguing with him is pointless. And I highly doubt anyone of his ilk will care .
Chocobo_Blitzer said:
As bad as it sounds, a couple car bombs every month is far different than a brutal regime controlling 25 million people.

oh, yeah, what about happen in America? I am even reluctant to "DISAPPROVE" your post cause it full of bias already.

Chocobo_Blitzer said:
How can you put so much blame on the US for this?
So..Iraq civilian died what they shall die? Cuase American life is life and their lives.......maybe only 1/10 of American life?

Chocobo_Blitzer said:
But not supporting us now is selfish,
If Al Qeada say the same words, how will you feel? buddy?

Chocobo_Blitzer said:
so the oil will flow

Yeah, That is reason of this war, cowboy. get it?

So..you see, they are very obivious answers there, and I am really disppointed that I have to reply it one by one.....sigh.... :roll:
the_13th_redneck said:
A few decades from now, looking back and provided that it's successful, this may be considered one of the greatest victories.

I remember somepeople said almost exact same words in 1960s during Vietnam war? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh okay, so hundreds of people being murdered, tortured, and raped is better than car bombs. Ok, just wanna know where you stand.

Ok, so you want the American troopers not to engage the enemy, you want them to submit their lives rather than take out the terror cells/insurgents. You so smart!

Uh, they do say that. Actually they say, if you are not with us, you are infidels and shall pay. I feel nothing when I hear them say that, they are ranting fanatical terrorist. I don't get your point.

I said quite a bit more than just that, but sence you are so blinded by your hate for America, you only see what you want to see.