We in the US were not the only ones saying that Saddam had WMD's, France, Germany, Russia, Britain, China and the US all agreed that Saddam most likely had WMD's. But France, Germany, Russia, and China wanted to continue exploiting the Oil for Food program, oops, I mean let the sanctions take their course until the Iraqi people revolted, well twelve years later the Iraqi people had not revolted and we could not lift the sanctions because even if Saddam did not have WMD's he would have gotten them then.
France was the country that exploited the Oil for Food program the most, and they were illegally selling weapons to Iraq VIA Syria, darn it, there I do again, my mistake, those weapons were all produced prior to 1990 and had been sitting in storage in Syria for 12 years before being shipped to Iraq, I am sorry, it was a slip of the tongue.
Iraq owed Russia billions for weapons bought prior to the Gulf war, something along the lines of four billions USD, now that the US is trying to have he debt of many developing nations erased, most notable Iraq's, Russia would lose billions, something they can not afford.
China was also getting lots of Oil from Iraq, they only had about 3,000 oil contracts with Iraq, which is not near the 9,000 contracts France had or the 7,000 of Russia, but still, it is more than the six the UK had (two of which were being repealed) and the whopping one oil contract that the US had with Iraq.
There you have it, three of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council who all the motive to try and block the US invasion of Iraq. I can not believe that France, Russia, and China could truly believe that the US would not go into Iraq without the UN's support. Did they not learn anything from the League of Nations? The League of Nations was powerless without the US and the UN is the same.
If the US is wrong for overthrowing Saddam the Allies were wrong in WWII for defeating Hitler. Genocide is Genocide, whether it is 10,000 people or 6,000,000 it is still wrong. To condemn the US is to condone Saddam.
And about a statement made earlier:
Just imagine, Americans speaking a different language.
So something along those lines. We do not need to, English is an international language, over 60% of the people of the world can speak english, America did not spread English to the rest of the world, England did (see the resemblance in name?) when French and German companies meet they speak in English, when Japanese and Argentine companies meey they speak in English. It is the language of business, it is the language of the UN, it is not just an "American" language as that person said, the British taught English to the people's that they conquered, that is 25% of the world that was, or had the opportunity, to be taught English.