A Thread about... NOTHING!

Oh so very true!! So everyone who loves me should pool their monies and buy me one. :mrgreen:

I promise to share....

Maybe. :angel:
Or we could just cut the middle man and I can summon these babies.
Or these

A super heavy tank forged on Mars itself, the Baneblade is the oldest tank still in the Imperial Guard arsenal. It is equipped with a battle cannon paired with a coaxial autocannon, a demolisher cannon, 3 twin-linked heavy bolters, and 2 lascannons.
Those are nice, but I'd really prefer the Abrams. Which has an "h" in the spelling somwhere, doesn't it? That looks wrong.....
Yeah I looked it up.....but it still doesn't look right for some reason. Its cuz I'm sick. Nothing looks right. That's the story we're going with here. :p