Women of the military

I'll join the military just for this girl and i'd be so willing to take a bullet for her lol as long as i could get one dinner lol

I'll join the military just for this girl and i'd be so willing to take a bullet for her lol as long as i could get one dinner lol


I´ll let her know the next time I talk to the former Sarn´t.
Chances are good she´ll take you up on the taking a bullet offer..:mrgreen:
Yes these women are Officers and Cadetts ;). Cheeleading for our Football Team HSU- Snipers.
Do you also have female cadetts or officers doing cheerleading in your country? ;)



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KJ do you know this woman? is so your my new best buddy lol

Haha, not only are we in no way buddies..
A while since I talked to her, but last I heard she were taken by a man even I would think twice before crossing..
in the USA if they told the female cadets to cheerlead they would get a law suit on their hands and fast.
Yeah that's why I certainly do not support it ;). Officers as cheeleader? Next thing the soldiers have pictures of their superiors in cheerleading dress...
The whole women in the military thing is evolving in some weird directions here in Germany... but I can't really say anything against it because I'd be screwed ;)
Haha, not only are we in no way buddies..
A while since I talked to her, but last I heard she were taken by a man even I would think twice before crossing..

KJ though you don't want to be my buddy i'll convince you to give me a chance eventually lol

and i need some assistance now preferable a navy seal or green barret or british sas i don't know the german version of them sorry i need an elite task force of some kind lol
in the USA if they told the female cadets to cheerlead they would get a law suit on their hands and fast.

Lets not forget the ones here that would be happy to do it and then file the other lawsuit for the harsh conditions they had to indure.