Women of the military


Finland - HOT!






Israel again....



Smoking is even sexier in my opinion.....





Oh please, oh please, oh please.... they capture and torture me!
LOL....Those are Service Conditions NCOs...I doubt they could capture and torture a 90 year old in a wheel chair.
Do these woman have a hair dresser and make up to go into the line with them and are they as good with those wepons or r they just a fashion item (gooci) may be .
no i,m not sexest but are they up to the job ????????
What's a Service Condition NCO and are they always that sexy?

No, they are not always hot. They come in all shapes and sizes. Of course no one is going to post a picture of his super ugly NCO online:)

They are in charge of service conditions...A conscripted army is different than a professional one. People are not always in the best situation to serve in a military. These girls help with problems that occur. Like soldiers that have economical issues. Soldiers who need to get special conditions like more leaves and stuff. Soldiers whose parents live abroad and need a place to sleep while on leave. Etc,etc, etc. Problems are endless. The NCOs(like my self) cant deal with operational issues and bother with all that as well. So these girls do that. And a fine job they do, usually.

Do these woman have a hair dresser and make up to go into the line with them and are they as good with those weapons or r they just a fashion item (gooci) may be .
no i,m not sexist but are they up to the job ????????

In the IDF most girls are in rear units and thus are not considered to require high combat readiness. The ones that are in combat units are qualified and capable.
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So the Mods have "misplaced" that last thread of this nature, and I have gotten permission to start a new one. But I have been told to keep it clean.... so we will. Post the pics if you have them.

I'm curious about what kind of role female soldiers is playing at the battle field. No offence , I know women can do good jobs as medics and signalman as well. It's too hard for them to combat. We can imagine how efficient it will be if we assign a man to take the place ofthis girl. Is U.S lack of soldiers so much?