You want to fight the fascists to the death? Did you also fought the communists to the death to defend the democracy? It seems as if you hate the fascism but tolerate the communism.
I'm not old enough to have experienced the cold war. But yes, I would have fought against communism in defense of democracy. I do not hate fascism. Hatred makes you blind and is not a particularly good way to relate to a possible threat.

If I tolerate Communism? I am a member of a conservative party and communism as such should be my natural enemy. But I do not see it this way. I fortunately live in a democratic society which is strong enough to hold many views. I tolerate and respect your right to be a Fascist / a Nazi / a Communist, or a religious fundamentalist, whether you are Christian, Jew or Muslim. But you should also be aware that I will fight them all with words, every time they are trying to advocate for their beliefs. And if some of you are trying, with violent means to overthrow democracy, I will fight you with weapons in hand. My attitude to totalitarian ideologies, whether political, religious or both, is that they are a contempt for life and is an escape from all the complex problems inherent in democracy and freedom. Fascism enslaves the population whereas in a democracy are we free to create our own society.
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But was Jesus not the first socialist, he seeks a better world for mankind. Not just one, but ALL humanity. Jesus said.. “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.” Does that sound Capitalistic to you? So since Christ wanted all to be saved, he was a socialist.:wink:

Often pointed out, the essence of Jesus's ministry, notable by the Sermon on the Mount- the Beatitudes. My favourite, I recommend to anyone, any faith or none.

And of course he also answered to those who questioned him: 'Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's - Give to God what is God's'.

A man of the people certainly - I followed and listened as a kid. That's where I am coming from.
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Micah..are those the only two conclusions your limited imagination can consider? that I am either a follower of Herbert Armstrong or I am a "troll"?

you are a child my friend. I would not suggest that you are stupid, just that you know a great many things that are wrong.

Herbert Armstrong was just one of Many who understood history and biblical truth.
I say one of many, because there have been volumes written on this subject and the conclusions are always the same..Germany by it's very Nature must dominate.
I wonder how you can explain the Fact that other than his overzealous date setting and his belief that WWII was the Last war this world would see...that Herbert Armstrong was almost entirely correct? he stood in the rubble of Germany's latest defeat and predicted with amazing insight EXACTLY the situation that now exists. how do you explain that? coincidence? luck?
it makes no difference to me if you remain blind to this fact, I am just trying to point out what most seem to forget. ask a German why he is one of the "sons of Asshur" or what "Deutschland" means

Why Germans Call Themselves “Deutsch”
Perhaps you have never thought of it — but the Germans do
not call themselves “German.” They refer to themselves as
DEUTSCH, and to their country as DEUTSCHLAND. Why?
Let’s turn back the pages of history for the answer.
The Assyrians anciently called their land “Athur” — the
Indo-Germanic form of the Semitic word “Asshur” (”Encyclopedia
Britannica”, article, “Mesopotamia”).
Sometimes the name “Athur” was shortened simply to “Tyr” in
the Indo-European tongue. Asshur or Tyr was worshipped as the god
of war by all the ancient world. His name was placed on the THIRD
DAY of the week — called “Tuesday” in the English-speaking
world. Tuesday is Asshur’s day.
Tuesday is from an old Saxon word meaning “Tiw’s day.” Tiw
was the god of war of the Germanic people of Europe. Tiw, or
Tiwe, was also known by the name Tyr — that is, Asshur. Tiw is
another name of Asshur! The Assyrians knew Asshur or Tyr was
their ancestor. We should expect, therefore, that when they
migrated to Europe they would still be known as the sons of Tyr
or Tiw, that is, Asshur. And what do we find?
When the Germans appeared in Europe, they claimed Tyr or Tiw
as their ancestor! But what has the name “Deutsch” to do with
The modern German word “Deutsch” — as educated Germans know
– is derived from the old Anglo-Saxon word Tiw. (See any
thorough book on etymology and word derivations.) Whenever a
German calls himself Deutsch, he is saying he is Tiw’s or
Asshur’s son — an Assyrian. And when he terms his country
Deutschland, he is saying Tiw’s or Asshur’s land — Assyria!
Even ancient Hindu literature uses both the word “Asgras”
and “Daityas” to refer to the Assyrians. “Daityas” is but a
Sanskrit word for “Deutsch” — a name applied to the Assyrians
over 1500 years BC

And, as for your romantic idea of "democracy" and your blind willingness to stand up and fight to the death it it's defense..I refer to the words of Benjamin Franklin,

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

Democracy only works when the Majority are Christian and honest. Democracy under the direction(control) of Corrupt leaders is how we now have so many despots running Mineral rich nations. they were democratically elected and the world accepts their rulership. this is why it is folley to Force democracy on third world Nations.

Gregor had it right, Jesus is the only answer and when the Kingdom of God Comes to this earth, we will finally have the ONLY effective and workable form of Government. that is a completely incorruptable and BENEVOLENT Dictator who's Laws will be Obeyed fully and completely and who's judgments will be final and uncontested

and Yin717.. yes my friend, it is a Grand Hope!

For those who don't understand why Micha referenced Herbert Armstrong, here is why we should understand who represents "Assyria" in terms of the last days events of the bible..

God remarkably identifies the players in the final conflagration and the most troublesome are the modern day ancestors of Assyria, the Nation of War making brutes who were responsable for the FIRST major defeat and subsequent captivity of ancient Israel , the Ten Northern tribes.( not to be mistaken fot the nation of JUDAH, the JEWS) they went into a different captivity at the hand of the Babylonians over a hundred and thirty years LATER.

God has a particular interest in the Germans, he has given them certain qualities and skills. he refers to them as both the "work of My hands" and also as "the ROD of My anger" this is why they not only create the worlds BEST machinery as well as art,literature, music and culture, but are at the same time the most brutal and EFFICIENT war making men on earth.

just look at history and look at their achievements today and you will see a remarkable people with an undeniable character.

we are all free to believe what we want and we are also free to ignor the facts and allow history to repeat itself.

I'm not old enough to have experienced the cold war. But yes, I would have fought against communism in defense of democracy. I do not hate fascism. Hatred makes you blind and is not a particularly good way to relate to a possible threat.

If I tolerate Communism? I am a member of a conservative party and communism as such should be my natural enemy. But I do not see it this way. I fortunately live in a democratic society which is strong enough to hold many views. I tolerate and respect your right to be a Fascist / a Nazi / a Communist, or a religious fundamentalist, whether you are Christian, Jew or Muslim. But you should also be aware that I will fight them all with words, every time they are trying to advocate for their beliefs. And if some of you are trying, with violent means to overthrow democracy, I will fight you with weapons in hand. My attitude to totalitarian ideologies, whether political, religious or both, is that they are a contempt for life and is an escape from all the complex problems inherent in democracy and freedom. Fascism enslaves the population whereas in a democracy are we free to create our own society.

just to say- please ignore my previous post relating to the matter (joke)
Very good points stressed and agreed!
I'll try and keep it simple and on topic.

No, Germany will not rise for a fourth time. They are a smart bunch of people who remember that the last time left their country in absolute ruins. And they also know that after a fourth time, there will be probably no country left to love.

And for our fascist friend; fascism is a young ideology for grown up children, who are frustrated that they didn't get what they want. For some reason all is fair, as long as they are in power. After they screwed up things and picked fights with way bigger adversaries, they show themselves to be poor sportsmen too. They whine continuously and want another go at things. The fascists had their 15 minutes of fame and made a huge mess of things (to say it politely). Sorry, you had your change so let's stick with a system that isn't perfect either but has been working for the past 2500 years...

This is the worst time nonsense and distortion of German history.

And with regard to democracy and Religion. A state should never be based on a religion and so-called Holy Scriptures should never manage the life of the people. Religion is open to a person’s/religious teacher’s interpretation and herein, lays the danger. If you have a fanatical teacher, he will impart their fanatical views to their followers.

All Holy Books are written by man, I have yet to find proof that God himself wrote these books All these Holy Books were written by mere mortals who supposedly were inspired by and were messengers from God. Question…Who made them God’s messengers? Answer….They were all self-appointed!

Religion has been used for centuries as a form of subjugation and mind control. Religion preys on the weak and feeble-minded by feeding into their insecurities. Religion is NOT a unifier but rather a divider…for whether we are honest enough to admit it or not…it does breed discrimination and intolerance. The terms gentile, kafir, heathen are all proof of this discrimination! Why is it that it is politically incorrect to use the word ‘******’ or ‘Chink’ but it is socially acceptable to use terms such as ‘kafir’? Isn’t it exactly the same? Also a form of discrimination? One is racially related whilst the other has a religious connotation…the end result is exactly the same!!! Discrimination and intolerance…

Religion is like an exclusive club…either you belong and are fully accepted OR you don’t belong and thus scorned and made to feel less worthy than the ‘exclusive set’. Some misguided Christians actually believe that irrespective of whether you are a ‘good person’ or not, you don’t stand a chance of entering heaven unless you belong to their ‘exclusive club’. Hmmm….mind boggling stupidity, perhaps?!
The more I think about….Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a world where religion becomes totally superfluous? A world where a person is measured by their moral conscience rather than their religious affiliation? A world that is mature enough to say ‘NO’ to the divisiveness of religion?

Welcome to my perfect Utopia….a world without religion!

A bit provocative and just as unattainable as your vision! ;)

Back to the topic here's why some think Germany will rise again - then you can judge for yourself.


“The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group,”
Franklin D. Roosevelt
God has a particular interest in the Germans, he has given them certain qualities and skills. he refers to them as both the "work of My hands" and also as "the ROD of My anger" this is why they not only create the worlds BEST machinery as well as art,literature, music and culture, but are at the same time the most brutal and EFFICIENT war making men on earth.

Wow, I can't believe that I missed this one. Are you serious? I reckon that you must be... Why on earth would God bestow the Germans with certain qualities and skills? Before 1871 there wasn't a Germany to begin with, let alone Germans. So why did the Almighty wait thousands of years to create these übermenschen.

And then I haven't gone into the discussion whether some art, music or culture is better than others. Isn't that in the eye of the beholder? Or if you so please in His eye?
I am not sure whether to laugh or to sudder. To use this as a scientific source on the ascension of German power... well it seems a trifle far fetched. Who is this Dr. Hoeh? And in what is he a Phd? This Ambassador College is run by his "church", how easy can it be to attain a PhD in what they want to hear?

In short: what a load of bollocks (can I say that?) I mean how can you take crap like this serious:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][FONT=Times New Roman,Times,serif] Its citizens, the Germans, felt themselves true Romans and bearers of the Christian Reich or Kingdom. They were therefore the chosen people of the Christian era, entrusted with a world-mission to be the protectors of Christianity.[/FONT][/FONT]
How does he know how ancient Germans felt? The choices of the Pope are more than once controversial, so how come the Germans (which at that time didn't excist) be the chosen people of a world that consisted of only three continents. The other two weren't discovered yet.....

In short; stop believing such rubbish!
It can function as a trustworthy scientific data you know...

If enough people believe that, then, they can make it a reality.

A bit like Israel... It took a few strong believers to make it happen. Dont underestimate religion my friend, the human will is the most powerful thing on earth.
This is not trustworthy scientific data, it is drunken nonsense. It's history and religion forgery. And Micha is absolutely right when she writes:

Religion is open to a person’s/religious teacher’s interpretation and herein, lays the danger. If you have a fanatical teacher, he will impart their fanatical views to their followers.

Joseph Goebbels said: If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

You should not just swallow the food you get served. Taste it first - it could be poisoned.

There are only two ways to go: Neither you do the will of god, nor you do the will of satan. Neither you are for Jesus Christ nor you are for the Antichrist. And there is no way between. I don´t know if Jesus is a Fascist or a Christdemocrat (greetings to CDU). But what I know is that democracies won´t stand for a long time. Or does the US government follow any plan to create a "United States of The World"? No, they don´t. If I was a US soldier I wouldn´t risk anything for this rediculus system that is called democracy. First they lean back and wait what happens. For example the rise of Hitler. Then, years later they find out that totalitarian systems are a threat. And then another few years later they complain why they have to send so many soldiers to free Europe. Democracy is the worst case scenery. If the USA would have tried to create a United States of the World since the begining of the 20th century, then the world would have been united and the two world wars would never have happened.
There are only two ways to go: Neither you do the will of god, nor you do the will of satan. Neither you are for Jesus Christ nor you are for the Antichrist. And there is no way between. I don´t know if Jesus is a Fascist or a Christdemocrat (greetings to CDU). But what I know is that democracies won´t stand for a long time. Or does the US government follow any plan to create a "United States of The World"? No, they don´t. If I was a US soldier I wouldn´t risk anything for this rediculus system that is called democracy. First they lean back and wait what happens. For example the rise of Hitler. Then, years later they find out that totalitarian systems are a threat. And then another few years later they complain why they have to send so many soldiers to free Europe. Democracy is the worst case scenery. If the USA would have tried to create a United States of the World since the begining of the 20th century, then the world would have been united and the two world wars would never have happened.

Am I mistaken or is the US not the only democratic country in the world? Because yes, America did sir back and let Hitler do what he wanted but sure as hell Britain and France didn't during the second world war. And you mention that a democratic country can't unite the world under 1 country or whatever. May I remind you that the country to have the biggest empire the world has seen was Britain under a democratic system. Hitler got no where near to what Britain did! In fact, it was a pretty poor job because democratic countries, like Britain, stood up for what they believed. I've never really liked the American response to the First and Second World Wars however it must be said that after the Second World War the Americans were eager to fight off totalitarian countries (communist basically) much quicker than any other country was. Mainly because every other country was bankrupt after the Second World War. The point is, democracy has fought many wars and has clearly been very successful at it because it's been around far longer than totalitarian ones (excluding of course monarch's).
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There are only two ways to go: Neither you do the will of god, nor you do the will of satan. Neither you are for Jesus Christ nor you are for the Antichrist. And there is no way between.
Religious extremism or fundamentalism is as much religious totalitarianism. Not only do people look to the Holy Scriptures foundation to find a guideline for their lives, the foundation must also enclose everything and give the total answer to everything. Religion is no longer just an ethical and philosophical base, a personal faith which sets guidelines for the general behavior; it is also used to provide conclusive answers, not open for discussion, in any specific situation. The individual views and reflections are gone, and gone are the interests of fellow human beings of humanity's sake. - If it has ever been there.

Your religion is totalitarianism; it requires complete obedience to the figurehead, even to the point of outlawing certain thoughts. It utilizes a pervasive surveillance system to ensure obedience--God is always watching, always judging. It demands loyalty to the leader as the supreme in morality, over and above all other moral dictates. I argue that all forms of totalitarianism are morally wrong, including religion.

Totalitarianism supersedes all moral constraints with a duty to the leader, whether that leader be God. The Bible is full of atrocities (genocide, slavery, infanticide, etc.) performed out of loyalty to a totalitarian God, and also full of punishments for those who dare revolt against the regime. Loving Jesus himself brought about the ultimate totalitarian notion of eternal punishment for thought crime--you must believe or you will burn in everlasting fire.

I condemn totalitarianism in all its forms. Be it service to the Fuhrer or to a supposed God via his prophets, it´s evil and an affront to your human dignity.

I don´t know if Jesus is a Fascist or a Christdemocrat (greetings to CDU). But what I know is that democracies won´t stand for a long time. Or does the US government follow any plan to create a "United States of The World"? No, they don´t. If I was a US soldier I wouldn´t risk anything for this rediculus system that is called democracy. First they lean back and wait what happens. For example the rise of Hitler. Then, years later they find out that totalitarian systems are a threat. And then another few years later they complain why they have to send so many soldiers to free Europe. Democracy is the worst case scenery. If the USA would have tried to create a United States of the World since the begining of the 20th century, then the world would have been united and the two world wars would never have happened.
This is so ridiculous that it is not worth answering

Am I mistaken or is the US not the only democratic country in the world?
This is beyond me. What do you mean?
And the band played on...and on...

I Find it not only amazing, but completely heartwrenching that so many "intelligent" men and women are so out of touch with reality as to take the same old time tested (and Failed) positions against God's word as have many of the "great minds" of the past. I say great, becasue they were either great in their own minds or this blind world was fooled into thinking they were Great.

if you do not see the rise of Germany and the Power it's elites hold over the direction of the E.U. (even though some of you are now SUBJECTS of it), then any attempts to open your eyes are clearly a waste of time.
I wish you luck while you struggle under the Newly designed Jackboots of the "lisbon treaty".

oh, by the way... take a look at these pictures and then ask your "enlightened" selves why the Tower of babel and why the woman riding a Beast? were chosen as symbols of "Europa"??
I'm sure most of you are too smart to bother even considering the possability of any crazy "religious" meaning behind these things, but just LOOK AT THE PICTURES! and ask yourselves .. WHY?



What surprised me is that you, a presumably intelligent person did not discover that you've been cheated and deceived.

Christ is not who he pretends to be - he is really the Antichrist. Think about it. There is plenty of evidence.

Let’s compare Antichrist with what the Scriptures say of Christ and Antichrist.

Antichrist will appear suddenly.
Christ will appear suddenly.

Antichrist himself, or his chief cohort, the False Prophet, will be a Jew
Jesus is a Jew

Antichrist will claim that he is the Messiah of Israel
Jesus will exercise his appointed office of Messiah.

Antichrist will perform miracles.
Christ will perform miracles

Antichrist will reside in Jerusalem.
Jesus will rule from Jerusalem

Antichrist will rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem and be involved with the service therein.
Jesus will rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem and be involved with the service therein.

Antichrist will form a covenant with the Jews.
Jesus will be a great leader and will re-introduce the Jews into God's true everlasting covenant

Antichrist's rule will commence with a proclamation and those who refuse to submit to it will be crushed.
Christ's rule will commence with a proclamation and those who refuse to submit to it will be crushed.

Can it be shown that Jesus is in fact the Antichrist? Let's take the number 9...Why the number 9 you may ask? Well, God's perfect number is 7. If you add the number 3, representing the Trinity, you get 10. Now, take away 1 part of the Trinity, Jesus, and you have 9. You have to take out Jesus, because being the Antichrist, he's not really part of the Trinity. So, 9 is our number. That number came about through scientific means, so it can't be disputed.

Now, assign the multiples of 9 to each letter of the English alphabet where A=9, B=18, C=27, and so on. I have done it for you below.

A=9 B=18 C=27 D=36 E=45 F=54 G=63 H=72 I=81 J=90 K=99 L=108 M=117 N=126 O=135 P=144 Q=153 R= 162 S=171 T=180 U=189 V=198 W=207 X=216 Y=225 Z=234

If you take the name JESUS and add up the numbers that correspond to each letter in his name you will get...

Undeniable evidence that Jesus, the son of God, is in fact the Antichrist. But, to be more scientific, let's repeat the experiment with another name, MESSIAH. Jesus is said to be the Messiah.

Still don't consider that enough evidence? Let's use the word GOSPEL; the Good News, the story of Jesus.

To be absolutely sure, so there is no doubt, let's use Jesus' Hebrew name Y'SHUA.

More? How about the symbol of the Christian faith? CROSS

Confirming Jesus to be the Antichrist. For over 2,000 years, Christians have been duped into worshipping the son of Satan. Coincidence or truth?. How can you be sure?

The Devil's greatest achievement of our time is that he has convinced us that he does not exist anymore. That’s why he can do what he wants and who knows what he wants!

Do I believe in it? I think that the theory is as credible as your conspiracy theory about Germany.But maybe just maybe ..! The devil is a cunning identity, maybe it is him who will come to us as the messiah! :wink:
@ Seventrumps
Have you dared ever to go to Germany and spend a day?
My verdict "paranoia from no knowledge"... I've been there, loved most of the things (people/society/culture/and no sign of hidden fascism), all was good, but two sets of lawyers. Those are crocks everywhere anw.
I do not think you can change his view of Germany if he visits the country. It's a bit like looking at a Swiss Cheese, some see only cheese others see only holes and a few see the whole cheese.

My dear girl - you have a very complex brain :p
This is beyond me. What do you mean?

Basically he was criticising the US's actions and presuming that it was the only democratic country in the world...or all democratic countries are like it. I was just pointing out this wasn't the case.