Interesting thread
Has anyone played games like Panzer General?
On the strategical reasons, it does not give much knowledge. But on the operational and tactical level, it is quite informative.
Adolph Galland wrote in his book that the figther class was a second citizen and wasn't given priority.
From my experience with PG kind of games, I fully agree. Tactical bombers are nice until you find figthers and good AA. So basically, tactical bombers suck unless you control the air with figthers and never send bombers in areas with AA. So that requires good intel.
In PG, it is paramount of importance not to lose manpower and material. In this respect, it was right to destroy the Kiev army and wrong to attack Moscow in the same season. Elastic defense is also absolutely necessary. Always attack weak spot etc etc etc.
Goring was a big fat pig. Germany needed figthers and figthers and figthers. And mobile AA in support of fighters. It is not until you totally control the air that you start using tactical bombers and even then only against weak spot without AAs.
I seriously doubt the usefulness of strategic bombers. Waste of resources, Effectiveness is overrated unless you assiege a small country like the Allies assieging Germany.
Before reading this thread, i was not aware of the terribly difficult logisitc issues. Unfortunately, Panzer General hex games don't incorporate this element in the game mechanics. Once you buy a Tiger unit, it never breaks down
Has anyone played games like Panzer General?
On the strategical reasons, it does not give much knowledge. But on the operational and tactical level, it is quite informative.
Adolph Galland wrote in his book that the figther class was a second citizen and wasn't given priority.
From my experience with PG kind of games, I fully agree. Tactical bombers are nice until you find figthers and good AA. So basically, tactical bombers suck unless you control the air with figthers and never send bombers in areas with AA. So that requires good intel.
In PG, it is paramount of importance not to lose manpower and material. In this respect, it was right to destroy the Kiev army and wrong to attack Moscow in the same season. Elastic defense is also absolutely necessary. Always attack weak spot etc etc etc.
Goring was a big fat pig. Germany needed figthers and figthers and figthers. And mobile AA in support of fighters. It is not until you totally control the air that you start using tactical bombers and even then only against weak spot without AAs.
I seriously doubt the usefulness of strategic bombers. Waste of resources, Effectiveness is overrated unless you assiege a small country like the Allies assieging Germany.
Before reading this thread, i was not aware of the terribly difficult logisitc issues. Unfortunately, Panzer General hex games don't incorporate this element in the game mechanics. Once you buy a Tiger unit, it never breaks down