Hershey's white chocolate
I have just eaten a big deception and with no bread.
LOL, hahahahhahahaha...I think I know what youre talking about,hehehehehehhehe.lol.
Clear as water...:-?
LOL, hahahahahhaa, tiss', tiss' soli....you need to be very careful now in days
Juas juas and requetejuas (LOL, reLOL and rereLOL)
Bad friend...
LOL, hahahahahhahahaa....I'm the angel watching over ya, hehehehehhehehe....:angel::firedevi:
I don´t need angels at this moment. This has ****ed up all my friday nite. Now in boxes, with motor broken. S h i t
LOL, hahahahahhahahaa...LMAO!!!! hahahhahahahaa, dont be such a grouch, hahahahhahhaa....:mrgreen:
Just mailed me
LOL, hehehehhehehehe....I knew that would happend....:mrgreen:
Witch, anyway things are not gonna be the same. I am tired of under 30´s