Montgomery was a good defencive General but he was also also good on the attack. When he broke the Germans At El-Alemien he forecast to the day just how long it would take before he won the Battle. Now he had refused to attack even when Churchill pressed him to attack. The reason he would not attack was that he would only do it when he thought it was right and when he had enough men, guns and tanks to win, rather than attack to early then to be broken by a counter attack as had had in North Africa in the past.
As supreme commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, let’s also not forget that he commanded the most powerful force ever assembled under one man. He is one of the few generals ever to command major naval forces; he directed the world's greatest air force; and other than Generals Schwarzkopf and Franks, Eisenhower was the first man ever to command successfully an integrated, multinational alliance of ground, sea, and air forces.
Still, he was good enough to beat Rommel everytime they fought.No, he wasn't a good attacking general. Even Rommel knew that.
Still, he was good enough to beat Rommel everytime they fought.
Actually, I think that honour belongs to General Alexander Vasilevskiy, who was the commander of the Far East Military District at the time of Operation August Storm, the invasion of Manchuria, Sakhalin, and Korea. His armies of well over 1.5 million men crushed the Japanese Kwantung Army in less than a week. It was the greatest military operation ever accomplished of any kind,
I think of him as a very bad general! If he was commander instead of Eisenhower, we would have lost the war!
Nazis would be marching in Europe like an angry bull in a Texas Rodeo!
He won in Africa simply because Romell was sick in Berlin(Tifus), and when he came back everything went wrong for nazis( ), other wise we would certainly loose Africa , 'till operation "Torch", where Eisenhower would command, and everything would be O.K. !
Eisenhower(my favourite general ) & Monti were not so well friends, 'cause Dwight knew he wasn't a good General.... Every operation he started was failure from the begining! More of our men died brcause of him!
Yes, mainly men and equipment.