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I said that Germany is economically much stronger than Polandoland has German tanks, Germany has not Polish tanks .The Polish industry can not built modern tanks .
GDP of Germany :4260,0 billion USD for a population of 83 million people
GDP of Poland : 680 billion USD for a population of 38 million people
The GDP of Poland is 15 % of that of Germany. Its population is 45 % of that of Germany .
Hyundai clearly believe Poland can produce modern tanks or they wouldn't be letting them build the K2 PL in Poland.
There is no doubt that Germany is an economic powerhouse but this Ukrainian war is exposing it as a military light weight.
If NATO had thought that it was Germany that was going to blunt a Russian attack until America came to its aid then it is clear NATO was in deep trouble.
And in other news the German defense minister has said Germany won't block tank transfers...
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