Mohmar Deathstrike
What kinds of "counterattacks"?
gladius said:First of all how do you know the US will even threaten the use of nukes to fight EMP? The US could issue that warning, it may work depends who is in charge, if it is a tough President then maybe, only maybe it will work. But that is a big IF.
What if they do use EMP anyways, do you really think the US will risk bombing them with nukes, when they can nuke New York or Chicago. I don't think the US will risk that no matter who is in charge. They simply won't.
The effect of EMP does not warrant the use of nuclear weapons. I don't see why the enemy will believe that the US will use nukes to strike back against EMP. So they will go ahead and use EMP anyways. The only time the US will use nukes for sure is if they send a terrorist to nuke one of our cities.
I don't think you understand how EMP can be deployed.Morten said:i do indeed believe that they'll do that... a laser capable of taking out a nuclear missile is already made!... the only bad thing about it is that the laser is so big and requires a heavy source of energy!.. but in a few years that laser will be alot smaller and even if it still requires alot of energy it wouldn't be a problem to use it as defense...
The warning has to match the threat if its to be credible. In this case its not.u said urself that they wouldn't risk a nuclear war... a warning should do the job... and if they still EMP, well, then Goodbye to them...![]()
Yes, but it has good solid facts and cultural motivation to back it up, that what makes it a very possible scenario. ...So it maybe no longer an "IF", but "When".indeed it is some huge IF's... but this whole thread is basicly a huge if...
galdius, my mate!gladius said:You can say that he will bring peace all you want, but I read alot of those writtings from various interpreters, the outcome is not a peaceful one.
Yes, the Mahdi will work hard to bring about peace throughout the world---right after he tries conquers it.
This is from one of many Islamic websites (NOT my own interprtation), it is very clear what most Muslims believe will happen.
Mahdi will lead Muslims to a great victory against the Christian Romans (i.e. All the white Europeans including the Americans). This great war is called al-Malhamah al-Kubrah or Armageddon. It will end up with a great victory to Muslims against Romans after six years. Muslims will take over their capital Rome (this can be any city)...
...Then, you will invade Rome (the Romans) and Allah will grant it (to you).
There you go I'm not making any of this up.
If the Mahdi with his Islamic Empire tries to conquer Rome or any other major European city, then it will result in WW III. And if the Mahdi doesn't do as it is said then he isn't the Mahdi, so he is bascily stuck into starting WW III, that is the predicamnet here.
Thats simply what it says and I'm going by that. You may have a different interpretation, or you may be trying to sugarcoat, I don't know. But I have to go with the majority of writtings that I find.
I wasn't going by the writtings of Nostradamus, but by the Islamic writtings themselves. (But Nostradamus does have a good track record of predicting future events but thats another story)
Chief Bones said:The Bible in Revelations predicts that the anti-christ will mark the beginning of the endtimes.
There are 3 factors that will help them achieve this. If you want to know the details read the thread. I will give you the basics.Obvious said:No offense but I think this whole entire think is just a load of crap, what are the odds that a area of land that is currently still in the stone age capable of invading europe.
At Last, somebody got my point or might be that I did not noticed yours.godofthunder9010 said:You bring up the point that I've brought up several times: China. Their population alone surpasses the sum total of all Muslims on the planet. Between them and India, there a lot of "Eastern" play that is not necessarily Muslim. India and China (and Pakistan as well) are the Eastern countries that are rapidly advancing and developing Industrially and Technologically. With the possible exception of Pakistan, the predominantly Muslim nations of the world are not advancing much at all. This puts the greater power in the hands of powers non-Christian and non-Muslim, doesn't it?
TBA_PAKI said:At Last, somebody got my point or might be that I did not noticed yours.
People here usually don't know what they are talking about.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) clearly stated in his quatrain about this war with Romans that a huge "Alliance from the EAST" will come and join the side of IMAM MEHDI.
He (PBUH) even used to say that "seek knowledge, even if you have to go to CHINA".
Now, there is a big logic hidden in these two comments.
Of-course, Middle East will progress very well in MEHDI times, but forces from the EAST will come to aid his cause in a war against Romans.
Now, there is no pointing out towards a specific nation in the EAST, but we all know that nations (EAST of Saudi Arabia) are becoming more powerful with the passage of time.
The countries that lie on the EAST of Saudi Arabia also include:
- Iran
- Pakistan
- India
- & China
Khurasan region (mentioned in hadiths) is the same region where Iranian Nuclear Power plant is being built along with technical assistance from Russians. Iran already has developed Missiles that can hit central Europe. hint: Shahab III
Sorry! I confused Khorasan with Isfahan.phoenix80 said:Paki, I'd suggest you to stay silent when you have no freaking idea about Iran!
There is no nuke power plant in the province of Khorassan.
There are nuke facilities in Natanz (Isfahan province), Bushehr province by the persian gulf, Arak in Central province and one test nuke facility in northern part of Tehran
1- Shahab III has a maximum range of ,1000-1,300 kilometer
2- Shahab IV (which is not still built) might have the capablity of hitting Eastern & Central Europe.
3- Hopefully, in near future, we Iranians will expel Islam and Mullahs out of our beloved country!
4- The only Islamic country having nuke weapons is Pakistan which, I believe, is a far more dangerous nation-state than even Iran or Saudi Arabia!
Thats your thinking but that doesn't changes any situation in EAST.phoenix80 said:LoL!
We Iranians (PEOPLE) have no intentions to fight with the rest of the world.
if the mullahcracy of tehran is crazy, so be it. I have no problem seeing it bombed by the US military! I'd take the side of the US for sure in a war against the islamofascists!