The Rise and Fall of Gender


I understand Brink too well. If you ladies would like some help understanding the bachelor's position on this....
[ame=""]Where did all the good men go? - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=""]Six Reasons Why Men Are Avoiding Marriage, with Helen Smith, Ph.D. - YouTube[/ame]
Yes, but not because of the marriage fortunately. The green machine has been living up to the "big green weenie" reputation lately.

I guess you could say it's my "other" marriage...


And 20 years in the gulag...much respect sir. What's your secret? Lol
2488 - shift work and plenty of it, I spend more time out of the house and not in it. ;)
2488 - shift work and plenty of it, I spend more time out of the house and not in it. ;)


where were we? haha..oh.. 2486
The point is, women are getting exactly what they asked for...women are now allowed to pick and choose their gender roles and that means men get to choose what roles they will fulfill in society respective of women as well. Many men are seeing the double standard and walking away...

I don't feel all women are this way...but a huge number of them are. Especially in the west. When over half of marriages fail with over 70% of them initiated by women who claim 90% of all alimony/ child support money it is no wonder men should be cautious when deciding on a mate. (Divorce court is essentially a giant slaughter for the modern Western man)Many of them are simply deciding not to play the game at all and choosing to not marry or date at all...this is a growing movement among huge numbers of men my age and younger and I don't blame them. I've seen many a good man ruined because of the whims of a modern princess.

You enjoy the priviledge that comes with being a lady. Many other women enjoy it as well....many don' is the problem. As a man, a simple accusation by a woman against a man for anything means he comes under scrutiny. Even if it isn't true, generally his reputaion, professional or otherwise, is destroyed. Sometimes it isn't true and he is still prosecuted or loses his job. I've seen it many times. While the accuser walks. It is a minefield out there... Much easier to avoid mines if one chooses to not walk in the minefield.


It’s a 2 edged sword as the majority of management is still male. There are some very un-feminine females (much to my dismay), particularly since a women can achieve much without giving up her femininity. But some do as you mentioned (remember the bra burners of the 70’s).

I hate to say it but there were a number of screwed up women back in the 70’s and 80’s as well when I dated. This is not a new phenomenon. I usually determined they weren’t good for my mental health and moved on.
I'm fortunate I married a good one.

You are right about the courts especially here in NYS. The judges rule almost 100% in favor of the women and usually dole out generous alimony and child support, often never even giving the guy a chance at raising the kids no matter how bad a mother she may have been. I’ve seen this on numerous occasions.
