The Highway Man
Brit Pack 2I/C
Brinktk... I'm so sorry if you feel that all women are this way. I really am. I do agree with equal pay and things like this but I still am an old fashioned kind of woman who has respect for men who open doors for women, just as a courtesy. Not only that, offering their seat when all the seats are taken, the same for an elder and an expecting mother. Maybe in the military it's different because women are wanting to fight like the men. But in the civilian world (where I am) I feel than men should be the masculine ones and the women the feminine. This doesn't mean we can't join the military or do any other thing which years ago would be considered only for the male gender.
And.. it could be a Southern thing as well. Usually men from the South are gentlemanly and treat women with respect by getting up when they leave the table or walk into a room. (this is a little extreme) but there are a few of those left, I'm sure.
Then there are the apes who do what they want to do and expect a woman to wait on them hand and foot.
I do see your side; you're in the military and I have no experience there. Yes, we've screamed for equality for years and maybe it's turned some men off of the these common courtesies now which may not be so common nowadays.![]()
The world IS changing everyday.
Well.. I forgot where we were now... let's see....2487
The point is, women are getting exactly what they asked for...women are now allowed to pick and choose their gender roles and that means men get to choose what roles they will fulfill in society respective of women as well. Many men are seeing the double standard and walking away...
I don't feel all women are this way...but a huge number of them are. Especially in the west. When over half of marriages fail with over 70% of them initiated by women who claim 90% of all alimony/ child support money it is no wonder men should be cautious when deciding on a mate. (Divorce court is essentially a giant slaughter for the modern Western man)Many of them are simply deciding not to play the game at all and choosing to not marry or date at all...this is a growing movement among huge numbers of men my age and younger and I don't blame them. I've seen many a good man ruined because of the whims of a modern princess.
You enjoy the priviledge that comes with being a lady. Many other women enjoy it as well....many don' is the problem. As a man, a simple accusation by a woman against a man for anything means he comes under scrutiny. Even if it isn't true, generally his reputaion, professional or otherwise, is destroyed. Sometimes it isn't true and he is still prosecuted or loses his job. I've seen it many times. While the accuser walks. It is a minefield out there... Much easier to avoid mines if one chooses to not walk in the minefield.
Whenever THM learns how to count....
I did luck out with my wife. We celebrated our 10th anniversary this last August. She is it for me, period.
2487 - your new female mucker the numbers up, not me.![]()
2487 - Mrs THM has been lumbered with me 20 years in October this year.![]()
going through a hard time Brink?