The Rise and Fall of Gender


You know I have always had a soft spot in my heart for them cute girlies like....

OH! Well...uhhh...hi there Highway man! I was just thinking about you...! :love:


Happy new year's day .. I've been watching movies all day. Just finished "Northmen: A Viking Saga".. cool..:viking: It's late and I'm still awake, reading posts from the year. I can't believe how it's has flown.. that's a sign of something.. although I can't remember what that might be.. personally, I think the world is spinning faster. But that's just my opinion.

Anyway.. this next number is on me.....

Personally, I am so glad last year is over with. It was exhausting!
On to a brighter one for everyone... Even little Tim.
I dunno. Nothing exciting over here. Pretty bad when the only thing to give me an adrenalin rush is running over a rabbit in the middle of the road.
2490 (check your math BH!)
I don't care. Food is food!
More fun if they are alive, though. I like petting live furry things.