The Not SO Easy Stuff, but still easy

Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 86
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 48
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 11

Bonus Questions
1. When was the Renaissance?
2. What is the purpose of a reed in a reed instrument?
New Questions
1. What is the Holy Bible?
2. Where is the artic wolf from?
3. Where is the Sahara Desert located?
4. Who is Clive Cussler?
5. What is a Toyota?
Darkmb101 said:
Bonus Questions
1. When was the Renaissance?
2. What is the purpose of a reed in a reed instrument?
New Questions
1. What is the Holy Bible?
2. Where is the artic wolf from?
3. Where is the Sahara Desert located?
4. Who is Clive Cussler?
5. What is a Toyota?

1. 1500's, 1600's
2. makes the vibration that causes the sound.

1. a book of religion (Christian, Catholic)
2. artic area (Greenland, Canada)
3. Africa
4. Grandmaster of Adventure (author)
5. a foreign car/ truck (automotive company)
1. Christian Bible, there holy book. As the Koran I think is to the islams

2. North Pole?

3. Northern Africa

4. No idea

5. A car company
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 86
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 48
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 11
MunitionsAirman: 7

New Questions
1. What is gravity?
2. What is a metronome?
3. Where is the sun located?
4. What are the singular subject pronouns?
5. What is the mascot of the Republican Party?
NQ1) The force created by a celestial body, pulling objects towards it center. (pulling towards, not pushing down).

NQ2) A device used to keep beat in music.

NQ3) :lol: You really are running out of questions aren't you?

NQ4) arg... Ok lets see.... I, you (can also be plural), he, she, it. All I can think of, any more?
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 89
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 50
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 11
MunitionsAirman: 7

futureRANGER said:
NQ3) You really are running out of questions aren't you?
Is it that obvious? :lol:

New Questions
1. What is the mascort for the Democratic Party?
2. Who is the ancient greek god of war?
3. Where is the north pole located?
4. What is a coconut?
5. What is the capital of Yemen?
1. Donkey

2. Apollo

3. At the tip of the earth. Above Sweden and Norway and all those countrys :P Its very high up. heh

4. Its a very large seed that grows from palm trees and can actually float in the ocean for up to a year without gaining any water in it.

5. Blue-da-ba-dee-da :P
It's the same god, but Apollo is the Roman name. (The Romans copied the Greek Gods and gave 'm new names) So MC is right.
well...Actually Mars is the roman god of war...Ares is his greek name

Apollo is Apollo for both greek and roman. He was the god of music, playing a golden lyre. The Archer, far shooting with a silver bow. The god of healing who taught man medicine. The god of light. The god of truth, who can not speak a lie.

apparently, he was a lover not a fighter :D
Darkmb101 said:
New Questions
1. What is the mascort for the Democratic Party?
2. Who is the ancient greek god of war?
3. Where is the north pole located?
4. What is a coconut?
5. What is the capital of Yemen?

1. Donkey
2. aries
3. the northern tip of the globe
4. the fruit of a coconut palm
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 89
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 36
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 52
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 11
MunitionsAirman: 9

New Questions
1. What is another name for a privet eye?
2. What is euthanasia?
3. What is a vampire?
4. Who is Jesus Christ?
5. What is a Redleg? ;)
1. Private Detective
3. A form of undead that thrives by feeding on the blood of the living
4. The Christian Savoir
5. Artilleryman
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 89
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 36
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 52
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 15
MunitionsAirman: 9

Bonus Question
1. What is euthanasia?
New Questions
1. What is a werewolf?
2. What is abortion?
3. What is a detention?
4. What is the purpose of a marker?
5. What is used to make thread?
1. A werewolf is a man who changes into a oversized wolf. Check out some movies :P

2. Abortion is the killing of a fetus/baby before it is born while still inside the mothers womb.

3. Trick question? :P Detention is punishment usually during school where you stay after in a class bored out of your mind.

4. Ummm... to write on a board or 'mark' something heh

5. cotton?
BQ1) Must I pull out the dictionary definition?

Euthanasia is, according to Webster

Main Entry: eu·tha·na·sia
Pronunciation: "yü-th&-'nA-zh(E-)&
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek, easy death, from euthanatos, from eu- + thanatos death -- more at THANATOS
: the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy


Gimme my point ;) ;)
FutureRANGER said:
NQ4) Mercy killing. Like letting premature babies die at birth.

Right okay fine. Thats what the former NQ2 was, BUT you, my friend, placed the answer under NQ4: "Who is Jesus Christ ;)

I cant give u point for that, but now i can. :D
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 90
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 36
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 57
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 15
MunitionsAirman: 9

New Questions
1. What is weight?
2. What is the big red spot on Jupiter made of?
3. What is psycology?
4. Who wrote the Book of Daniel, from the Bible?
5. What is our galaxy called?