The Not SO Easy Stuff, but still easy

1. antevideo
2. look up, see blue
3. blue and gold
4. a plant, grown largely in the US,smoked, aka the smoke of the gods
5. antartica
Bonus Questions
1. What is a machete?
-A big knife used for chopping down jungle underbrush
2. What rank was George Patton during WW2?
-Lieutenant General
3. What is the motto of the Norwegian Artillery?
4. What is the capital of Jordan?
5. Who is Orson Scott Card?
6. What is the capital of Finland?

New Questions
1. What is the capital of Madagascar?
2. What is the motto of the US Air Force?
-Uno Ab Alto
3. What are the national colors of Sweden?
-Blue and Yellow
4. What is tobacco?
-A broad-leafed plant native to North and South America, often smoked as cigars or cigarettes, can be smoked through pipes as well. can be "dipped" as snuff or chewed. Tobacco contains nicotine, a stimulant that is highly addictive.
5. What is the southern most continent?
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 81
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 44
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
Raziel: 6

Bonus Questions
1. What is the motto of the Norwegian Artillery?
2. Who is Orson Scott Card?
New Questions
1. What is the capital of Cambodia?
2. What was the Cattle Kingdom?
3. What is Van Hellsing?
4. Who was Sir Lancelot?
5. What is shoe polish used for? :lol:
3. A movie, Van Hellsing battles against evil.

4. Lead knight at the round table. Had affair with Guinevere.

5. To polish shoes =o
Too, slow on the draw redleg.

Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 83
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 47
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
Raziel: 6

Bonus Questions
1. Who is Orson Scott Card?
2. What was the Cattle Kingdom?
New Questions
1. What is the formula for force?
2. What is Newton's First Law of Motion?
3. What is the correct spelling of barbaque?
4. What is a by product of friction?
5. Who are known as Jarheads?
1. Force = Mass x Acceleration
2. An object in motion tends to stay in motion
3. Barbeque
4. Heat
5. Marines

BQ1: A writer
BQ2: I don't know
1. No idea
2. That a object will stay in motion until a force or restriction is pushed on it to slow it down to a halt.
3. barbeque
5. Marines I guess?
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 83
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 48
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
Raziel: 6
NCdt Steliga: 3

Bonus Questions
1. What is the correct spelling of barbaque?
2. What was the Cattle Kingdom?
New Questions
1. Who was Mozart?
2. What is a marching band?
3. What is the capital of Peru?
4. What is the purpose of a dvd player?
5. What creates sound on a trumpet?

ps can u guys tell that im running out of questions?
:lol: :lol: :lol:

BQ1) barbecue

Main Entry: 1bar·be·cue
Pronunciation: 'bär-bi-"kyü
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -cued; -cu·ing
1 : to roast or broil on a rack over hot coals or on a revolving spit before or over a source of heat
2 : to cook in a highly seasoned vinegar sauce
- bar·be·cu·er noun
1. A musical composer
2. A band that plays in parades
3. Lima
4. To play videos recorded on a type of compact disc, known as a DVD
5. Lip vibration in the mouthpiece
Bonus Questions
1. What is the correct spelling of barbaque?
2. What was the Cattle Kingdom?
-A big cattle ranch... Something to do with cowboys?

New Questions
1. Who was Mozart?
-A famous pianist and composer in Europe during the 18th Century.
2. What is a marching band?
-A band that marches in parades.
3. What is the capital of Peru?
4. What is the purpose of a dvd player?
-To play DVD movies.
5. What creates sound on a trumpet?
-Not too sure about that one.
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 84
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 48
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 5

New Questions
1. Define the word "fact".
2. Who was Christopher Columbus?
3. When was the Renaissance? oops typed it incorrectly
4. What is sliver polish?
5. What is the purpose of a reed in a reed instrument?
2. Christopher Columbus was the first European (aside from the Vikings) to sail to the 'New World'

a true and undisputable piece of knowledge

made it up myself :)

NQ4) A mild abrasive for polishing 'sliver' and making it nice and shiny and removing tarnish.
Redleg: 4
Redneck: 18
FutureRANGER: 86
Sherman: 5
Bunyap: 10
Kidneyman: 22
Rick90467: 9
Mark Conley: 35
Animal Mother: 17
Jamoni: 7
IrishWizard: 48
TheSunsetSniper: 25
DTop: 3
hc^patonki: 2
Devil_Dog17: 1
redlegs44: 2
NCdt Steliga: 6

Bonus Questions
1. When was the Renaissance? oops typed it incorrectly
2. What is the purpose of a reed in a reed instrument?
New Questions
1. What is a tuba?
2. What is the distance formula?(algebra)
3. When was the Jazz Era?
4. Who was the last president of the US?
5. What is the capital of brazil?
1. A low sounding musical instrument played by blowing into a mouthpiece and using finger keys to co-ordinate notes.
2. Distance = Square root of((X2-X1)(squared)+(Y2-Y1)(Squared))
3.The 1920's to the 1940's
4. William (Bill) Clinton
5. Brasilia