I assume this is another quotation of Churchill's, taken from an official speech. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that Churchill said this but in any case, it's completely beside the point. Churchill was a politician at the time. Of course he is going to say that he wants peace and so forth but this does not change the character of the man nor his ulterior motives! Look, politicians make false promises (and sometimes utter outright lies) all the time. A good example is George Bush and Tony Blair both saying that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before they launched 'Operation Iraqi Freedom' in 2003.
Geez, I can go find a quote where Bill Clinton said he never had sex with that woman, or when George Bush Senior said; "read my lips, no new taxes". Do you see my point. Are you really that naive?
DEL BOY TO DOPPLEGANGER -Is that really supposed to be a credible response to those sentiments presented by Winston Churchill? How strange that factual history confirmed the accuracies of all his concerns.
You can't expect to get away with dismissing serious evidence by equating it with matters which are completely off -topic, and utterly irrelevant to the 1930s. If we don't agree with any narration of true history, brush it aside. Churchill is the truest message- bearer of the 1930s, and may I say with impunity, Hitler was the greatest scoundrel:- " Read my threats - why do you not believe them".
You stick to your hero Adolph. As for me, I rely upon the man who brought him to true justice - utter defeat and utter surrender. Even Hitler knew better that to face his record of horror. In your position, I would not wish to dirty my hands on him. Germany does not wish to do so. Germany has spent long years working hard to was away the stains.
If this is the best you can offer I do not wish to waste my time on you.
Command the future, conquer the past.