A//What do modern Polish - German relations have to do with WWII? In any case, I do not care whom you support, nor do I want your support, and your view of the recent European summit is unwanted here. Every word that you type only demonstrates your irrational hatred of Germany and Germans. I might not be a fan of Churchill or the British Empire (at least in relation to the German Empire), but so what. My opinions are based on more than primitive emotion and racial stereotypes. Nor am I opposed to the British people or the post-colonial British government.
A/ Still on your pedestal Mr intellectual? If you don't know why the Polish view of the Nazis in WW11 has anything to do with the discussion you are thicker than I had imagined.
Don't speak for others regarding what is wanted and what is not wanted here.
'regarding every word I type only demonstrates my irrational hatred of Germany' actually demonstrates the disregard of truth which underlies your every argument . I do not hate Germany - I do not hate. I have never denigrated Germany here in any way - I have been careful not to. On the other hand, your campaign to polish a turd demeans everything Germany stands for. You simply do not bother to read my posts obviously. Like Churchill, I respect Germans, and as always, you of course did not even notice my reference to having relatives on both sides of the battle at Monte Casino.
However, it so happens that I should have every reason to hate the Nazi regime of WW11 and all its murderous, diabolical, stinking performance.
As it happens I do not - but I tell it as it is when pipsqueaks like you arise from the depths to fanfare the glory of The Third Reich and The Poison Dwarf.
B//The "indefensible" is your point of view. I just wish that you could actually offer just one solid argument against the case I presented in this forum. I could. But I won't.
B/ Well of course you could - using your method one can make almost anything fit. The fact is that you attempt to defend the indefensible, and the whole of my argument is ongoing and solid. You try to dismiss Churchill's factual evidence along with mine, just as you dismiss or overlook every fact presented. I have only just started and you wish to find a more receptive, i.e. a more gullible, audience. I repeat that your case is holed below the water line, and I am in the process of dismantling it by the basic tenet of the on- the -spot recording of events through Winston Churchill, present and correct at the time, and borne out by accurate and true modern history. This you cannot face - your worst nightmare confronts you - truth.
C// The origins of WWII remains a vital area of intellectual debate. And not just for academics. In a world where politicians misuse the experiences of the 1930s for their own policy ends, like Bush's absurd misrepresentation of Appeasement to support wars of expansion, I am obligated to shout in the wilderness. It is my moral and intellectual duty to put my trust in the scientific method. Not God. Not man. And not Government. State-supported efforts at manufacturing popular consent, all aiming at broadening the power of the monied ruling class, sicken me. The cheap mobilization of the Hitler bogey-man for policy ends is a sad reflection on the primitive state of "modern" society.
C/ Yes, you shout crap in the widerness - it has been done many times before. We call it pissing against the wind - the problem is that you get your own back. Germany is now a civilised country again, Thank God, and you have the audacity to try to drag them down the dark alleyways again - alleyways they wish forget, having put them behind.
If you wish me to continue taking you back to the real world of WW11 then I am at your service but I have no interest in playing ping-pong with other peoples web-sites. If I were to go down that route I would produce such an avalanche that you would scream whinger. you are not the only one capable of swamping the threads, trawling the net to suit any old cause.
Kindly do not patronise me by recommending reading material, I have a great deal. I suggest the original records of Winston Churchill, the saviour of all Europe, including Germany. You owe him a great deal, and so does the world. Leave the criminals of the awful tyrant Hitler's regime in the gutters of Berlin where they belong. There is no honour or redemption to be found there for Germany - do not get down there with them. You can find better projects.