The Brit Pack in training...

Here's The Brit Packs official photo. :D

Just because I'm small and you guys are bad judges of suit sizes! And I wanted a black one!
See this Hawky? That's your Brit Pack membership about to be shredded if you can't convince me otherwise... :D

First the wife, then the suit! I'm doing rather well! :D

Not really, she said she had to tie a plank to your arse so we didn't lose you, and if you go round giving my guard dog a bj, of course he's going to let you take what you want. He says next time, can you leave your phone number. It's the best offer you're going to get. ;) :p
Not really, she said she had to tie a plank to your arse so we didn't lose you, and if you go round giving my guard dog a bj, of course he's going to let you take what you want. He says next time, can you leave your phone number. It's the best offer you're going to get. ;) :p

You can be so cruel at times. :lol:
I don't mean that of course, you're probably a very nice man. Please don't kill me! :p

You should mean it! :D

Actually, he's not that nice at all. Why do you think I despise him so much! :twisted:

He wouldn't kill you, he hasn't got the bottle! :p