Ok, the challenge for the Spanish Fantasy League is on:
You can now start building your teams chosing RL Spanish League players here:
It is completely free, I challenge everyone out here to beat my team "St. Elm Serpientes" (initial selection:
http://es.superliga.fantasysports.yahoo.com/football/30615), for the price of a nice beer...
Rules are simple: You have to register with yahoo, then enter the superleague, then create a team.
- Chose a system (5-3-2, 4-4-2, etc, go to the "coach" page ("Entrenador" tab) and fill the slots with players, keeping inside your budget available (100 miillions). FYI: in Spanish the defenders are "defensas", midfields "centrocampistas", and strikers "delanteros".
Example: Christian Ronaldo atm costs 30 millions, Messi also (you can see Messi made most points opverall last year with 440p). Last years winning team had 2500p+
You will be prompted with a huge variety of (last season) data to faciliate your choices, players (your team) will be evaluated according to the actual games they play, both defensive as offensive qualities are evaluated and rewarded (e.g. a goalie scores 3p for playing to zero, but also the defenders score one point each in this case).
You can change players (according to budget, their price tags rise and fall through the season according to their performance and the market needs) every week until nest league match day, 1200 CEST.
Current limit for team building is SAT, AUG 29, 1230 CEST.
In case you need help with any translations, let me know.
Who at the end of the season has the most points, wins.
Any takers?
Today the Spanish League list came out:
First matches AUG 30: http://www.soccerway.es/national/spain/primera-division/2009-2010/regular-season/
The Classic NOV 29th and APR 6th, first in Barcelona, then in Madrid.
There is a nice yahoo online game for the liga (build your own team - within a realitvely corect comparative money fund range - and score according to real life events; possibility to change players every week; good stats to work on; buddy groups to compete vs. other groups, etc), but it has not started yet here
I will let you know when we can start building our teams, I challenge everyone here to beat me (lets play for a small beer as prize?
