ive been reading through this thread now, and ive gotta say that the most reasonable person here is warmachine. He makes a strong point with the basic good-intention "for man kind". Those of you that knocks him down everytime he hints in the direction for reduce US military spending, should try opening your eyes and see that, what your rightwing republicans (hawks) tell you about the world isnt everytime neccesseraly true....
Try for once and listen and evaluate criticsim to US spending instead of putting your hands over your ears end eyes going and lalalalalalala.
You just might have a revelation or two.
I have (whitout giving it too much evaluation) some suggestions of what US can do to reduce cost, and put some were its needed (like force protection materials, non-lethal weaponry, armed vehicles etc)
1. 1 multirolle aircraft (scrap the rest) this has allready been initiated with JSF.
About friggin time
2. Reduce numbers of nuclear subs (like viginia class etc)
3. Reduce numbers of aircraft carriers (you do realize that one air craft carrier is almost the same size regarding the number of airplanes with most of you allies total air-force....)
4. Reduce the byrocrati like staff and such. Get f.ex common software system throughout the DoD.
5. Continune reduction of nuclear balistic missiles.
6. Retreat all US army standing forces from Germany
7. Reduce ambitions in air and speace programs. Nobody can come close to the level you are today anyway. (although I am very PRO space programs I feel it will be better that the civilian world take care of this science.)
8. Reduce the national guard. Who do you are afraid of will march over your borders.... (Keep enough to controll your own citizens in case of riots and natural disasters etc)
9. You got army, navy and air force... Do you need the marines?? Cant army and navy work thogeter when amphibious assult is neccesary? Guarding the embasies can be done with a smaller unit connected to the army.. or maybe a civilian cooperation..)
By the way: I cant wait to get "attacked" for my point number 9
10. Reduce (and reduce ALOT) number of bases on US soil.
11. Stop wasting money on huge "military only projects" with no meaning. If you keep the US military as its is today you will still be number one in the world for the next 20-30 years...
I can probably go one, but this will be it for now. I will not take any critisism to my suggestions without clearly arguments for why im wrong. Do not give me links to some goverment propaganga if you cant give me a link that disagree with link number one! In other words: To prove me wrong you must also prove me right. Maybe you learn something. I do not want to have "brainwashed" reactions like you have given Warmachine throughout this thread.
Looking forward to your reply.