The Highway Man
Brit Pack 2I/C
Unfortunately! :shock:
So, how many cups of tea did you make!.
Are you inferring there are other plod on here????
Now, CApt Frog, don't be going to get rusty balde to do what you planned to do, thats not good for you, what with the infection issue and everything. I now have just the very thing for you to do what ever you need to do with your royal jewels... :wink:
So, how many cups of tea did you make!.
It's not as if anyone's going to own up to being a rozzer! :shoothea:
Move along, nothing to see here....
None, the barstewards didn't even make me one as a guest, and it was bloody dead!!!
None, the barstewards didn't even make me one as a guest, and it was bloody dead!!!
Did you all go out for a jog then.
Yeah I experienced one. When I was six or seven I awoke in the middle of the night to see a friggin demon as tall as my door staring dead at me mouth wide open. That wasn't the thing that scared me. What scared me was when it happened again at thirteen this time the thing that did scare me was when I felt a hand. I was home alone.In India there is this superstition that if you are going for some purpose and a cat come across then it is suppose to bring bad omens or your purpose will be incomplete.
I have one superstition while playing cricket,if i am an opening batsmen then i make sure to never face the first ball or else could get out cheaply.
How about ghost stories? i mean real experiences if any of you had.
personally never had any of such till now,but my friends claim to experienced one.