God, from your Chinese point of view, you think every ally of the US is a "puppet".
And what else do you call France's actions? What is agreeing to take action against Iraq if sanctions are violated, and yet when 17 are, no action is taken?
What is the oil for food scandel, when many UN secruty council members, including French politicians, are grabbing money and oil deals from Saddam? Not to mention one of Chirac's right-hand mans was in on it too.
What is it when French diplomats in Iraq help Iraqi's bypass the sanctions?
What is it when France trys to sell arms to Iraq, what, three months before the invasion?
It's the bribery, Frog. France, as well as others like Germany and Russia, were all in bed with Saddam. It's not as direct and conspiratorial as I may have made it sound, but they were not going to knock down a sweet deal like that.
And as this topic was started on, France continues to go around the world denouncing the US as the devil, huh, pretty hard to make an alliance out of that.