I think you are confused here, the argument is that this was done after the world abandoned colonisation and in fact had produced several international conventions to stop it.
Correct, that is what I am saying. With the logic Seno is saying, those that have done those crime BEFORE the international conventions stopped it are excused simply because it was "acceptable". I might have made that writing confusing.
Indeed however the Palestinian problem is that they do not have access to the international criminal courts and therefore can not bring criminal charges hence the current push for statehood or at least my interpretation of drive to statehood, but I guarantee that should you give them access to the ICC there wont an senior Israeli politician or soldier that isn't on a watch list within weeks.
See I agree that there should be a Palestinian state, but how can they expect support from a nation or nations that they attack. You can't gain support from majority of your enemies by making them more hostile with acts such as chanting anti-west statements and applauding terrorist actions.
Even if U.S did/do veto the Palestinian statehood bid, it is still said that it will not pass. Why should U.S alone be responsible for supporting the Israelis when other countries do as well?
I just disagree with the statehood bid because I believe Palestinians are just trying to make a state without negotiating with Israel (I am all for charging any person(s) for any war crime actions so long as its a fair trial). This is also why the U.S have said they will veto it and is also why it is believed it won't pass even if the U.S did support it.
Well hate to break it to you but Native Americans should be paying tax if they are working within the USA unless some other agreement has been negotiated with the government.
Try telling that to the Native Americans and see how they will react. The U.S government did it out of pity and responsibility for the crimes it has committed in the past, but if the government did not, what then for the Natives? That would be the excuse I was talking about.
One thing that interests me is that you seem to be arguing that what you colonists did to Native Americans was bad things such as stripping them of their land, moving them to worth less chunks of land, killing those that resisted, making and breaking treaties based on the value of the land they were on (such as the discovery of gold) yet you are over looking that Israel is still doing this today.
No, I am not ignoring Israeli actions and I do disagree with colonisation to an extent. I do not like Israel's actions, but I find what they are doing less of an evil because at least I don't see them boastful about it. I never seen Israeli's chearing in crowd when a civillian died due to a terrorist attack (or equivalent).
This is what I am saying specifically! I want the Palestinians as a whole (especially politically) to denounce any attacks like this. If they are able to do this then maybe terrorist attacks won't be supported. I will then be willing to support almost any resolution (except the abolishment of Israel) even if it means the U.N interfering or the U.S declining support for Israel if Israel refuse to negotiate fairly.
The terrorist attacks is one of the major issues keeping Palestinians from gaining enough support for a state of their own.
I don't call the land being "stolen" because from what I know, Jews have been buying up the land before they even came here. Not only that, but the British pretty much gave it to them. We can say Israel don't belong there, but to derail 5 million people (for basically no real reason except people believe it is stolen land) from their lives due to another country's mistake (Britain) is kind of being a douchebag and I won't support it. All we can do is support a 2 state solution and even that is difficult.
If I was supplying the guy that had killed your family, kicked them off their land and shipped you and the remaining family to some s**thole refugee camp with bugger all food, water and medical supplies would you like me?
If I have the same personailty that I have now while I am answering your question; no, I certainly would not like you. I however am not a vengeful person and will not cheer in the death of even my most greatest enemies especially when that enemy is an innocent bystander. This is the point of view that I want the Palestinians to take, however I know this is not any easy view to take, as people will usually lose sanity from those events.
I take a more logical standpoint on death than most of the people I know personally. I can only hope that in death there is true peace, therefore I will not hate anyone for killing anyone I know (extreme dislike I will have I am sure though). I would want justice though, but I don't believe in the death penalty as no one have the right to determine a person's life in that way.
That is my answer.
The question then becomes how much longer will the US have power to exert, my guess is that should China call in its loans the answer will be about 3.5 minutes before you join the ranks of the 3rd World so I am not sure you have a great case.
I would not say that if I were you. If China decided to do that, the U.S will take a good deal of countries down with it (economically). Depending on who is President, I do not believe U.S will stand by in an idle manner as China intentionally destroys it's economy. I am sure, U.S will consider this a threat and take action (not that I want this), but Israel will be the least of worry to anyone if something like that does happen.