the problem is that despite the fact that we all know that movies are entertainment and are not accurate and are there not to tell a story, but to put bums on seats, many people do not realise this.
i work in a cinema and the ammount of people we have coming out of movies talking as though what happened in the movie was gospel truth is really scary.
people are not questioning what is put in front of them, their logic appears to be "if its ina cinema it must have been well researched and true" which is simply not the case. as it has been stated many times, if you want historical accuracy, go to your local book store and buy a book. even they have some biases and gloss over some details but on the whole they are better than hollywood will ever do
often these days when a movie has the chance to be smart and it actualyl shows some potential, this is lost because the director is more focused on having nifty special effects, it seems that characters and plot are of secondary importance behind effects and making the hero seem heroic. they forget that these people are jsut that, people and because of it they have flaws. this is something else hollywood has great difficulty, doing: showing anything more than one dimensional characters. the bad guy is bad. full stop. the good guy is good and only ever does good. black and white. and its funny how often when a film does start to show the grey areas of characters personality (ie flawed people, capable of good and bad) its often a tremendous movie and generally gets a swag of awards