Enough of the serious stuff ...
Kiwi - what was this about a "direct funds transfer straight into your bank account?
Cash is easier to hide from the tax man.
Yeah but since I don't wear a Bra where am I going to stick the money?:shock:
Enough of the serious stuff ...
Kiwi - what was this about a "direct funds transfer straight into your bank account?
Cash is easier to hide from the tax man.
Yeah but since I don't wear a Bra where am I going to stick the money?:shock:
we don't have to... as soon as you join the military or college, this number goes up 10 fold.
probably a little bit of both... LOL
Yeah, I went to a school that had LOUSY parties...
Well that would be fine as long as you don't ask for change.
So I'm thinking your accounting off Chief honey, cause I reckon you left a good $200 off your total.