How is the weather like where you are now?!

Well the weather here in New England is crazy as usual.... the month of August was 2 degrees cooler than average the month of September was like 3 degrees warmer than average, and the past few days have been hot...gotta love Indian finally rained last night for a bit, we are in a bit of a drought something like 4-6 inches below average for rain...could mean we are in for one hell of a winter....who knows though it is New England....

As they say you don't like the weather here wait 5 mins...(more realistically just wait a

Why cant weather just be like a damn machine and stay the same all the time in a perfect rhythm...but no it has to change and vary and god it just messes with my plans...hahaha ;)
Bummer .....

Here it is the 8th of October, and it is still in the mid to upper 70s at four in the morning ... what a ***** it is. It is at least 25-30 degrees hotter right now than is normal for this part of the country. I am sitting in front of my computer with a fan blowing on me and I am still sweating.
