How is the weather like where you are now?!

Oh shup!!!!!!! I sooooooooooo don't wanna hear how warm everyone else is while I'm stuck in the Arctic Deep Freeze!!!!!!!! :D
I can shoot the messenger if I want to!!!! But shhhhhhhhh!!! Don't tell anyone. Because shooting people is illegal and stuff. :angel:
'Tis true, Sir, but at this point, I would still love to have a small piece of y'alls warmth. Which sounds wrong....but I really don't care at this ungodly hour of darkness. :D
Yeah, but like I this hour, I really don't care. LOL

Oh and I just checked and its only 14 here. BRRRRRRRR!!!!!
OMG!! It went up a whole degree!!! Grab your tank tops and shorts kids! A heat wave is coming through!!!
The thermometer on the front porch says its 15 and the one on the back deck says its 12 soooooooooo.......its brrrrr, s**t, cold, freezing.
I'm in I-da-ho, Other Guy Person.

And its warmed all the way up to 29!!!! Yay!!! Its almost like Hawaii and stuff now!!! Time to put on my bikini!!!
it still gets to the 70's here in the afternoon and its beend sunny but its going to start to rain but we still aint all that cold got to love florida