How is the weather like where you are now?!

Dont mix hot weather and'll start feeling great!!! lol.....its 90 and its just 6 am....oh dear....heheeeehe.
today was warm, but they say that tomorrow will be the warmest day of the year, and i promised to paint the fence outside. i'm going to be sick off the heat again.
It is finally sunny and sort of warm. Been a rather cool and wet summer but enjoying it. Really don't want no heat wave, lol
oops, just saw the sun shinning through, it might be a nice day after all.

I agree GG9909, I'm kind of glad that this summer wasn't a scorcher like last year, it makes a change.
Its 10am and already 101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! expected high of 107...damn...time to take my clothes off, hehehehehehheehe....LOL..:-D