rattler Active member May 16, 2009 #3,444 0830 Local in the morning in the med: METAR LEPA 160630Z VRB01KT CAVOK 14/12 Q1017 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) We will hit the 25 around midday... Rattler
0830 Local in the morning in the med: METAR LEPA 160630Z VRB01KT CAVOK 14/12 Q1017 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) We will hit the 25 around midday... Rattler
BritinBritain Per Ardua Ad Astra May 16, 2009 #3,445 High winds, driving rain and high sea's. The Cape of Good Hope is pretty dangerous waters right now
rattler Active member May 18, 2009 #3,451 Now, during the night here in the med = 0100J = Local) you will need a jacket... Just finished a poker game of 8 hours with just minor losses against the village youth... First whole night of the year on the terrace... METAR LEPA 172230Z VRB01KT CAVOK 13/11 Q1018 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) Rattler
Now, during the night here in the med = 0100J = Local) you will need a jacket... Just finished a poker game of 8 hours with just minor losses against the village youth... First whole night of the year on the terrace... METAR LEPA 172230Z VRB01KT CAVOK 13/11 Q1018 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) Rattler
rattler Active member May 18, 2009 #3,452 sky2979 said: Caliente.....HOT!!!! Click to expand... ROFL... Tu o el ambiente? Rattler P.S.: En Castellano uno se puede pensar qualquier cosa si dices esto... "Hace calor" posiblemente sera mejor... R. Last edited: May 18, 2009
sky2979 said: Caliente.....HOT!!!! Click to expand... ROFL... Tu o el ambiente? Rattler P.S.: En Castellano uno se puede pensar qualquier cosa si dices esto... "Hace calor" posiblemente sera mejor... R.
Mikefrombelgium Active member May 18, 2009 #3,453 al this spanisch talk is making me feel hot need to get me some tequilla
rattler Active member May 18, 2009 #3,454 Mikefrombelgium said: al this spanisch talk is making me feel hot need to get me some tequilla Click to expand... That was intended, why should you fare better than myself...:cheers: Rattler
Mikefrombelgium said: al this spanisch talk is making me feel hot need to get me some tequilla Click to expand... That was intended, why should you fare better than myself...:cheers: Rattler
Alenoor Active member May 19, 2009 #3,456 they say it's 79 but lies I tell ya feel like 100ish and more *note* keep avoiding day light
rattler Active member May 19, 2009 #3,457 To give you a midday idea of how its in the med: METAR LEPA 191000Z 21005KT 170V240 CAVOK 24/15 Q1020 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) Full link incl history and photos, here: http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/08306.html Rattler
To give you a midday idea of how its in the med: METAR LEPA 191000Z 21005KT 170V240 CAVOK 24/15 Q1020 NOSIG (Don't know how to read a METAR? Read METAR FAQ) Full link incl history and photos, here: http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/08306.html Rattler
W wolfen Active member May 24, 2009 #3,459 85 deg outside, 84 deg inside, A/C full blast, no cold air coming out, A/C guy is on his way to fix it (again)
85 deg outside, 84 deg inside, A/C full blast, no cold air coming out, A/C guy is on his way to fix it (again)