Rob Henderson Banned Apr 3, 2009 #3,301 It's tornado weather... It's hot, completely windless, and cloudy as all get out.
Jilly Active member Apr 3, 2009 #3,305 Cloudy and rainy and likely to stay that way for a couple of days at least.
W wolfen Active member Apr 5, 2009 #3,308 Warm........not as warm as yesterday, not as warm as tomorrow's supposed to be, but warm enough the windows are open and that dam stuffy winter house smell is being blown away by the gentle 40 kt breeze
Warm........not as warm as yesterday, not as warm as tomorrow's supposed to be, but warm enough the windows are open and that dam stuffy winter house smell is being blown away by the gentle 40 kt breeze
Sevens Forum Dominatrix Apr 6, 2009 #3,315 Clear and windy still. Its supposed to make it all the way up to 70 tomorrow!!! WOOT WOOT!!!
Rob Henderson Banned Apr 7, 2009 #3,320 Too EFFING cold for APRIL!!!! It's supposed to EFFING snow tomorrow!!! IN ALABAMA IN APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!! Global warming is BULL$#!*!!!!!!!!
Too EFFING cold for APRIL!!!! It's supposed to EFFING snow tomorrow!!! IN ALABAMA IN APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!! Global warming is BULL$#!*!!!!!!!!