CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Jul 10, 2007 #1,761 i feel wide awake and its 12:48am..i should be in bed but im not lol
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Jul 10, 2007 #1,763 ok..but i feel like im coming down with a cold or something
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Jul 10, 2007 #1,767 like a horrible headache...all congested......still got another 3 hrs at this job...and 4 more at another before i can go home
like a horrible headache...all congested......still got another 3 hrs at this job...and 4 more at another before i can go home
AlphaHound Active member Jul 11, 2007 #1,778 Lethargic and waiting for the start of term so I can work with new students with Additional needs. If they let me lol lol :wink:
Lethargic and waiting for the start of term so I can work with new students with Additional needs. If they let me lol lol :wink:
CrazyLilCajun Milforum Cowgirl Jul 11, 2007 #1,780 awww now TI they werent that bad lol...everyone loves boudreaux and thibodeaux jokes lol..... still feeling bad
awww now TI they werent that bad lol...everyone loves boudreaux and thibodeaux jokes lol..... still feeling bad