How do you feel?

Blue Jacomo lake ever been there? It was pretty fun

I feel happy now that Queen Peddler is here
yeah we took our jet ski right there...I couldn't drive it though cause I wasn't born before 1984...:shoothea:

We had our RV there and we camped there too...let me tell yah, there was some cute boys!!

I feel stupid because I brought my camera, but I forget to take the battery off the charger!!
Awww... thats sucks about your camera!! I can't believe you just didn't broke the rules and drive it Did you guys get hit with the rain? We did! A down pour or we would have went to smithville lake to watch the fireworks :(
well don't tell anyone...but I rode once with my brother in-law (it's a two seater, don't know if I mentioned that before) and he let me switch places with him and drive for a little bit. My mom and step-dad are so...uhhh! they always HAVE to follow the's retarded.

Yeah we were at blue springs beach when the life guards heard thunder, so we got out and went to the camper...I got up early that morning so I just took a nap till it stopped raining and then we watched fireworks that were being lit up everywhere from our campsite...all in all it was ok

I've been to smithville lake, we camped there once.

I feel like they need to play some Queen on the radio
Good job breakin the rules! I know I would have done it to! I'm glad the rain didn't ruin your trip.
Smithville lake is ok.... kinda dirty water, but always has a good display on the fourth. And its just up the street from me so I watched from my house not as good but it worked! :)

I feel like I need to find a pillow!!
yeah it was pretty fun, I'd never swam in a lake before. I was always telling my mom to go faster, and when she wouldnt I just started to ride backwards on the thing cause it's scarier that way...Im telling you you have to HOLD ON if you're riding backwards, I don't know how many times I almost fell off.

I feel hungry
I don't believe I have EVER ridin backwards on a jet ski..LOL Your crazy! I have submerged one before though.. that was fun!! When you get to the right age get a stand up jet ski. They are crazy to ride but a lot of fun!

I feel FULL!!
ohh I know...I saw a really hot guy with this stand up jet ski, it looked so fun!! and yes I am crazy, I wanted to fall off. And even when it was going as fast as it could I wanted it to go faster. I tell yah when I get to drive that thing I'm going to fall off so many times it won't even be funny!

oh and as I like to say "more dangerous, the better"

I feel like I envy the Queen's fullness
I don't think I have ever wished to fall off of one! But now you have to try a stand up. They're a lot more dangerous then a sit down. Plus you can do some freakin sweet tricks on them!!

I feel like going jet skiing now! :D
Well I wanted to fall off once to see what it would be like to be in the middle of the lake...:-D

I feel like getting a stand up jet ski now!!
that sucks...we didn't know what my sister had at first then we found out it was acid reflex

I feel hungry still