How do you feel?

I'm going fishing, then later it's out with my young son for ice cream "anything to get him away from those video games"

Good for both of you Dad!!!!!!!!! It'll be a great day for least down here in FL.
Hope you catch dinner, or at least some laughs!

Fishing sounds good...:idea:...happy fishing to you and your son. May he catch the biggest one yet.:smil:.. .
Tired, nearly home, 12 hours ago I left the house, 200 miles covered, 5 hours on my feet, my arthritis has flared up in both knees, I'm ready for a painkiller and bed.
Pulled my left shoulder moving a trunk by myself. It's radiating all the way around to my heart, so I can not put a heat patch on. Not supposed to NSAIDS. So I am going to be in a bit of a pickle for a week.
Such is life.
I'm happy to know you're feeling splendid! and you MUST be because I haven't even found my keys...:p

Next I'm calling my chauffer.. or firing him, he's late!!.....:-x
I'm happy to know you're feeling splendid! and you MUST be because I haven't even found my keys...:p

Next I'm calling my chauffer.. or firing him, he's late!!.....:-x

I am off into the bushes before the check is due, I will take the back roads home and dive behind dumpsters at each passing car.

Stumble inside and innocently pass out of my floor , when roused the next day by the neighbor I will explain how I just got padded carpet installed and wallowing in it is a new fast growing sport.
I'm ticked off that the county doesn't tell us when the spray for mosquitoes. Now the k-9s are sneezing. Hopefully I won't get a headache from the God I don't know what chemicals!
Like third, fifth, or seventh wheel lately(or a unicycle):lol:...everyone is married.:type:

Sarah I told you the marriage is a front, just think of all the bar dates you garner with a simple shiny band on your finger!

Sarah I told you the marriage is a front, just think of all the bar dates you garner with a simple shiny band on your finger!


I've had a few try and get by with that after I already noticed a ring:p
Maybe I should have believed them...:-?
Beautiful young lady in one's arms, beautiful English Ale.

If this is the end of the world? Then I am doing just fine, it's been a good life.;)