How do we deal with Pirate attacks?

You do realize what happens to all aid money that goes there right? It goes into the warlord's new palace and his children's education fees at the Swiss private high schools.
And guns, better outboard motors...
No, sticking to a side is a bad idea. Usually in these piss fights one side is no better than the other.
And stop saying "us." You're obviously one of them.
And you're not being "bold," you're being an idiot.
People were starving to death on live TV and something had to be done about it. Unfortunately the public did not have the stomach to see the mission through.

1. I'm not a big fan of unescorted aid. If it's not reaching the intended recipients, it's a waste of money and should stop.

2. Notice that I recommended picking a side OR keeping our hands out of it. We should keep our hands out of it.

3. When I say 'us', I'm referring to the federal government of the United States of America. Last I checked, I was born and raised in one of them.

4. The public didn't have the attention span to keep paying attention to piracy, either. Somebody needs to, because this is a serious, ongoing issue.
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1. I'm not a big fan of unescorted aid. If it's not reaching the intended recipients, it's a waste of money and should stop.

2. Notice that I recommended picking a side OR keeping our hands out of it. We should keep our hands out of it.

3. When I say 'us', I'm referring to the federal government of the United States of America. Last I checked, I was born and raised in one of them.

4. The public didn't have the attention span to keep paying attention to piracy, either. Somebody needs to, because this is a serious, ongoing issue.

Bollocks, no need for civilian attention span..The troops currently in the Gulf of Aden are doing just fine.
Pirate vessels are sunk at an (if you are a pirate) alarming rate.

Deal with restore hope..Should have been done properly, adapt ROE after the vivilian populace behavior.

Now it has to be ignored or done right.
No need to pick sides, time to upgrade the ROE,s to fit the fight...

Heres a novel idea for the US to adopt, stop ALL foreign aid to ANY country that attacks ANY US ship, aircraft, vehicle, civilian, or computer.
SINK any and all pirate ships.
And administer the old punishment to each pirate caught :)

Whats a pirate?
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Yea I just saw that on the evening news, if it was me, guess what I'd send over that ship next.
Heres a hint for the military challenged, its big, flys fast and can sink a small ship with its cannons

If that didn't do the trick I'd just bomb them till they either stop breathing, or go away.
I wish I was in charge. I would sink all thier ships and tow thier huts out to sea as well.
I thought the French Foreign Legion had a training base not far from Somalia, I'd have thought it would be good training for them to ambush a few pirate strongholds.
Plain and simple we need to arm the crews of these ships. Quit throwing the lambs to the Lions. The world is turning into a bunch of babies as the pirates and terrorists of the world dont play by rules which is how we need to play.
I tossed my two cents into this thread earlier..Sand turns to glass if you add the proper amount of heat....

Game over.
Plain and simple we need to arm the crews of these ships. Quit throwing the lambs to the Lions. The world is turning into a bunch of babies as the pirates and terrorists of the world dont play by rules which is how we need to play.

I mentioned arming the crews back on ....I think page 1, I have also offered my services, but most countries don't want my terms, so I have to agree with the massive live fire place statement 13th made :) I'm thinking practice bombing range too inhabited or not
What was that being fired on the deck of the Win Far? The casings were huge and came out quickly ... like it was a ZU-23 ... but I don't see anything nearly that large.

I can't believe we (The US Navy) haven't put that ship on the bottom by now ... oh wait, I just remembered who's calling the shots. :(
What was that being fired on the deck of the Win Far? The casings were huge and came out quickly ... like it was a ZU-23 ... but I don't see anything nearly that large.

I can't believe we (The US Navy) haven't put that ship on the bottom by now ... oh wait, I just remembered who's calling the shots. :(

Always remember who's calling the shots, maybe teh next one will have a set and uphold the pirate laws.
Cruise vacations always seemed kinda pointless to me ... trapped at sea with a bunch of drunken idiots and REALLY bad music.

But this one is something I could sink my teeth into. :p
I'll even bring my own entertainment, a 1908 Mosin-Nagant is pretty entertaining sometimes :)
And if that isn't entertainment enough for the passengers I could always unpack the Berdan Type II Model 1870.
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