*corrupt a wish*

Sorry!!! Its Sunday!!! You have to wait 6 whole days!!! Poor man!!! :D

I wish I was out somewhere in the middle of the ocean on a destroyer right now...
Destroyer drop you off in middle of Pacific ocean.

I wish my muscle would look like John Cena, a whestler.
Your muscles look more like...Olive Oyl. LOL

I wish I wasn't sitting (er treading water rather) in the middle of the Pacific. Thanks, Fox!! LOL
You are in middle of Indian Ocean....oh how about Arctic Ocean?

I wish I don't looks like Olive Oyl.
Ooooooooooooooooh Arctic would be nice right about now. Nice and COLD!!!!

Okay you don't look like Olive Oyl. You look like Garfield. Meow!!!

I wish someone would get me a raft!!! LOL
I tried to find you but GPS isn't working. So, have fun with the Polar Bear.

I wish I had a plane to looking for Sevens in Arctic.
What?!?! Oh, you will have to. Computer is not that heavy!

I wish I could work out everyday.
Yeah, that is my friend's last name from my old school.

I wish I could eat eat and bacon for breakfast.
Too bad!! You get bread and water.

I wish I could find something to eat so that I don't have to go shopping at this ungodly hour...
it boils over.

i wish i didnt have to help at a camp this morning. i was drafted for it, my mom didnt give me a choice and its all volunteer. no pay!!
You have to. You are in Stalin's Labor Camp. WORK!!!!!!!

I wish Texas Health Inspection will not picky me. He is hardcore.