*corrupt a wish*

You have to go and you can't sleep beforehand. Have fun!!!

I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow at Oh Dark Hundred. I think there should be a law that no one can start work before noon!!!!! :D
You have to go to work at 5:00 AM!

I wish I could ride on horse and playing bugle "CHARGE!" :horsie:
You get a stick horse and someone playing Chopsticks on the piano.

I wish I could get to sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You gotta stay up and guard this forums from any bad guys or virus.

I wish I could go to Iraq.
Sorry!! The girls are stampeding over each other to get to istealfreefood.

I wish all this heat would go away!!!!
Your sister coming to your house and sleep on your bed while your grandma borrowing your sister's bed. When your GF comes to your room. She caught you sleep with your sister on the same bed. She walk away.

I wish my friend email me right away.