The most interesting thing about Beethoven's work is how it all fits perfectly into the 7 stages of grief. Symphonies 1 and 2 exhibit shock and denial WITHIN the work itself. 3 and 4 show unbearable pain and suffering. 5 shows anger (duh). 6 shows reflection, when Beethoven turned within himself to contemplate his own life (that's why it took so long to write it). 7 has an upward turn, more of a happy sound, yet still sorrowful. 8 is even more "normal" sounding. 9 (probably his most famous) shows the acceptance of said loss and hope towards a brighter future. If you have ever heard Schiller's Ode to Joy, it speaks of joy (freude), all men becoming brothers (alle menschen werden brüder) and the goddesses of Heaven being so happy!
I'm praying for the Steelers (Mom's from PA) but I just don't want anything to happen like last year, where everyone KNEW the Pats would win, and the Giants came and went to town on them... So I'm trying to be very skeptical of it all.
Good rehearsal today. Probably because we like to look good in front of other people. Haha. Dr. Copeland came in today from UAB and we had to impress him.
Sevens, he came, and there was confusion between him and his accompanist on the way Mr. Brown wanted to do something. He had been doing it one way, and we did it differently, and he said he liked the way we did it better.