^ Confession time

Too many to count! The first ones that caught my imagination as a child were "The Elephant Walk", the "William Tell Overature", and "Fur Elise".

What about you?
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Well, I'm taking Music Theory and Skills *mimics suicide by gun to the head* Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, Voice, Italian Diction and History 102.

I love Concert, Chamber, Voice, Diction and History though. LOL

Sound like fun?
Sounds like you are preparing to sing opera! LOL I enjoy any kind of music... gotta with a name like mine!

What made you decide to major in music?
Just the connection I feel with it... I can feel with music more than I can with anything else... A great composer once said "If I could describe it to you with words, I wouldn't have needed to write the music." My connection with music is like no other bond I have with anything or anyone else... My love for music will always hold a special place in my heart... It can always cheer me up, comfort me, make me happy, inspire me, even make me cry tears of joy.

Be honest, do I sound gay? LOL
Dunno why they are just die. Be our guest to revive them, by then.

Why can't you take the math at most expensive university in the state, Rob?! That's gay...

Why am I only guy that has to take the math? :/