^ Confession time

My first thought waking up is "No! I'm not getting out of bed and no one can make me!" Which is usually quickly followed by someone screaming at me that its time to get up because I live with sadistic people who don't realize that there really should be a better way to start the day than by being parted from your nice, toasty, cozy, warm bed.....

Can you believe its almost March!?!? Where oh where is this year going?
I'll tell you where this year is going!! It's going right down the tube, I told my best friend that I liked him, I got the "I like you as a friend...sorry." I appreciate that he was nice about it, and we really still are friends, but I just wish he could see me as more than a friend.

Have you ever liked your best friend?? If so, did you tell Him/Her?
Ah, damnit... ok.

Have you ever been photographed in a state of serious undress and the photo been publicly distributed to friends and strangers alike?
unfortunatly...yes...a pic of me crashed out drunk and naked went around my school...

whats the longest time you have gone w/o sleep
maybe 5 days, shoulda got my flu shot

Have you ever been pantsed, or watched someone get pansed in front of a large crowd?
Close. Luckily. If I did, I'll be laughingstock forever in that town.

Have you ever kissed by the drunk person?
Something as in only one thing... HA!! Multiple times have I been a party to an action later regretted.

Have you ever stripped down to your birthday suit in an attempt to break the ice with a member or members of the opposite sex AND been successful??
yup, My Physics Teacher, He made me sing, Im a little Tea pot in the front of the class for bringing a dr pepper in his class...which we are totaly allowed to do :(

What you ever gone to the bathroom and took a huge dump and for some reason couldnt get it all and had to keep wipeing for hour upon hours?
Lol, no.

Have you ever argued for hours-upon-hours only to realize your argument was irrelevant to the topic?
too many times to count

Have you ever met someone briefly, and then months later they come up to you and say hi, but you can't remember their name?