^ Confession time

Class: speaking most of the times.
Home: work on the worksheets.

Are you considering to go the college again?
Hang-out... Do a little house cleaning... Maybe a little shopping --Who knows.

Describe one of your most embarrassing moments.
Uh...probably, "Beer, Bait and Ammo" by Kevin Fowler.

Have you heard "Beer, Bait and Ammo" by Kevin Fowler? It's good.
I'll spare the specifics, but I know I want to get dirty.

If you could have any super-power, what would it be?
I would have the power to have all powers like Cartman, I mean Elrock.

If you were a woodchuck and you could chuck wood how much would a gallon of anti-freeze in Belize cost if the world were to rotate in a counter-revolutionary ellipse with the moon in a double helix?
Nothing. Because I'd steal it amidst the chaos.

What would you do if you found a million dollars?
Everything, I like to do in the cockpit. Mainly P-51D Mustang.

What plane do you like to own?

During the Greek-Persian War, which side would you fight for? Sparta? Athens? Babylon?