Can S.Korea handle N.Korea alone?

But look what happened when China invaded North Korea, they had over 300,000 troops and yet the UN forces, that were greatly outnumbered but had much better support and equipment were able to push the Chinese and North Korean forces back across the 38th parallel before the stalemate set in. Had MacArthur not been so vocal North Korea may have been defeted without any Chinese intervention. Or if MacArthur would not have been replaced we might have defeted China and North Korea.
but koreans are crazy people... i believe that a 60 year old ajushee from korea can take down 3 A.F personell. lol... :P... savage people those koreans... lol...

just wondering 13redneck... why is ure sn 13 re3dneck? lol... u working on ure bachelors right now? How old are you anyways? u mentioned that you were too damn "old" but also mentioned something bout ure pops....

I turn 23 in a little over a week and yes I feel like an old fart.
I'm killing time right now, waiting to graduate in December with a B.A. in Geography and a minor in Geographic Information Systems. Basically I'm going to devote my whole life to blowing things up. Just kidding.
Koreans can become very crazy. And that's when 13 angry dudes can bust through NVA formations and leave 400 of them dead at the cost of 2 of their own.
I wouldn't say 60 year old Ahjuschee could beat AF guys though. Mostly because we smoke too friggin' much. I'm one of the VERY few minority of Korean guys who doesn't smoke.
I still have no idea what I'm going to do with my life.

Okay, my sign.
1) Korean red neck. Yes there is such a thing.
2) From paintball. The velcro team markers on our arms kept coming off so I tied mine around my neck. I was team red. Red neck. Har har.
3) The 13th Warrior. "The 13th redneck must be a foreign redneck..."
I made the nickname when I was in high school... so been a good 5 years or something like that.
23!? holy cow. your old... lol... just kidding... yeah, us koreans drink too muuch soju @ smoke too dang much... but i stilli think those ajushees can kick some serious ass.
So if SK has roughly 600k in forces and NK weighs in at 1000k, then ... South Korea is looking at a better numerical advantage than the United States and other coalition members had when they were kicking Iraq out of Kuwait in 1991. Iraq/United States would be a pretty valid comparison because it demonstrates what happens in modern warfare when you have a significant difference in technology. Tech rates bigger now than it did in 1950 and China would have no reason to assist with an invasion -- it would be a diplomatic catastrophe for them to do so for one thing.
Chinese intervention is a high possibility
They would have a reason to. They want a buffer zone between them and American influence.
I don't think that there is a high chance that china would intervene, or else the un nation would just go and give them hell even with alot of people doesn't mean that theyre invincible. China would only intervene because if SK beats NK(I doubt that this is possible) they would inherit North Korea's nuclear weapons, china will be filled with North Korean refugees, and SK will have direct link to China.

I don't think there would be an invasion at all. The best thing for SK to do is build more and more weapons and soon North Korean will run out of resources because China will eventually stop aiding them and NK would fall to their knees, their soldiers would be starving to death, their aircrafts, tanks, ships, subs, etc would be turning to rust. Without aid they would be nothing. And beside they wouldn't dare launch their nukes because after that, they'll know what hell will be like before they die. If it weren't for China, North Korean would be in hell rite now.

They would invade because UN and the US would intervene and And all that Military combined(UN,US,SK, Im pretty sure Japan(They've tasted a nuke and don't want to try it again) and maybe Taiwan(because they've got a bone to pick with communism) would totally overwhelmed NK's nowseemingly small army.
Well why couldn't South Korea's military beat the North Korean one? Or do you think it's only good enough to force a stalemate?
If invading NK was not guaranteed to involve China ... well based on the performance of superior tech vs semi out-of-date tech in the Middle East and other places ... South Korea would probably win actually. They would ensure that more definitely by getting a more potent Airforce of course.
Yes. Id hate to try and cross over all that AT fortifications with tanks. Could suffer high casualties...
I believe we all pretty much agree on one important point: In an all-out war between NK and SK w/o USA or PRC getting involved --- if anyone can actually win that war, it probably would end up being SK.
Navies. SK has one, NK doesn't. SK will be able to go around the N. Korean defenses on the DMZ and land almost anywhere behind the bulk of the N. Korean forces, but the problem is those troops would essentially be sacrificed to allow a breakthrough on the DMZ.

The Chinese leadership wants a buffer between the US forces and China, but at what costs? Kim Jong Il is crazy, even China knows it, but how much is China willing to risk in order to prevent N. Korea from falling under US control? And Russia will probably play an important role. It would ne like dropping a present on Putin's lap, he could easily stur up the patriotism many Russians hold dear to their hearts, and take criticizm away from his anti-terror policies, if he joined the US in a war against China, or for that matter if he joined China in a war against the US.
South Korean troops can simply bypass the whole thing if the NKs decide to dig in. Take Pyongyang with Marines and secure them with reserves. The North Koreans will fall apart.
If SK can destroy NK infrastructure with airstrikes, NK would probably fall apart especially the citizens. the NK army though does seem to be quite devoted to there leader and nation (at least in the parades).