Islam was responsible for the twin towers , Iraq or anyone of the other Islamic Countries should have / could have been the example we set for the twin towers .
It is obvious that the scope is beyond the comprehension of the lessor , Islam is a culture of Religion , politics and laws that knows no boundaries ,as most of you know or should know that the middle eastern Countries did not exist a hundred years ago the European powers created them out of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI they threw people together that despised each other much like the liberals and conservatives in this Country .
It is obvious that the scope is beyond the comprehension of the lessor , Islam is a culture of Religion , politics and laws that knows no boundaries ,as most of you know or should know that the middle eastern Countries did not exist a hundred years ago the European powers created them out of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI they threw people together that despised each other much like the liberals and conservatives in this Country .
Islam was responsible for the twin towers , Iraq or anyone of the other Islamic Countries should have / could have been the example we set for the twin towers .
How many Muslims do I know ? maybe a dozen , we do business together , I neither like them or dislike them , they are here they obey the laws unlike that trash that hangs out in Ferguson MO . Rudyard Kipling had it right when he said East is East and West is West and never the two shall meet .
If I knew what I was talking about I wouldn't be talking to you
It is so complex its simple .
I was a door gunner with the 116th ahc ( assault helicopter company ) call sign Hornets I flew on Hornet 32 based at ( NOT AROUND ) Cu Chi , we operated in the Iron Triangle and War Zone C . The VN war was lost because one participant knew how to fight a war and the other knew how to win a war .