D Darkmb101 Active member May 23, 2006 #3,521 Would you be asking this question when loaded with narcotics?
sunb! Forum Barbecuer May 23, 2006 #3,522 I like "doing" 80 on the highway, do you want that in miles or kilometers?
bulldogg Milforum's Bouncer May 24, 2006 #3,526 Don't you think the British with their "stones" are more peculiar?
T Ted Active member May 24, 2006 #3,531 Well..... one could argue that degeneration is also a form of evolvement, wouldn't it?
T Ted Active member May 24, 2006 #3,533 Is this what Darwin had in mind when he talked the evolution of species?
bulldogg Milforum's Bouncer May 24, 2006 #3,534 Isn't it the revolution of species or was that George Orwell?
T Ted Active member May 24, 2006 #3,535 Didn't George Orwell write about the evolution of farm animals?
bulldogg Milforum's Bouncer May 24, 2006 #3,537 Do they have burgers in Swedish bars since they have cows in English ones?