A Thread about... NOTHING!

Somebody stole my gas cap last night. It doesn't make any sense why would the gas cap are worth to be steal to those idiot people....
16 in 24 more days, thank you very much. And like wolfen said, why not? My life sucks right now.
That's not a good reason to drink... You should never drink when you're depressed... It enhances your current mood (for the most part) and if you're depressed, you'll be one of those annoying people always crying about how much their life sucks... And no one likes those kinds of people at a party.

Side note... I didn't even have my first drink till 17, so relax, youngling. It doesn't matter if you're going to be 16 in a few more days, you (and I) are still too young to have anything in life worth drinking over.
That's not a good reason to drink... You should never drink when you're depressed... It enhances your current mood (for the most part) and if you're depressed, you'll be one of those annoying people always crying about how much their life sucks... And no one likes those kinds of people at a party.

Side note... I didn't even have my first drink till 17, so relax, youngling. It doesn't matter if you're going to be 16 in a few more days, you (and I) are still too young to have anything in life worth drinking over.
+1 RH.........................
16 in 24 more days, thank you very much. And like wolfen said, why not? My life sucks right now.

Oh good. I still have time to shop. :)

Guarantee you my life sucks worse and I don't drink. :drink:

READ ROB'S POST CAREFULLY!!!!!!! You are way to young!!! :(
16 in 24 more days, thank you very much. And like wolfen said, why not? My life sucks right now.

Be it known right here and now I DO NOT advocate underage drinking, under ANY conditions.
My why not was directed at the general idea of getting wasted, not for ANYBODY under 21 to do so.
You have teenage children, wolfen. I never thought you were supporting him in his underage drinking. I figured you were just playing devil's advocate. Which you do so well. :p
Justin.... What are the Army Values??? Have you learned them yet? Do you realize that (1) you will be breaking them and (2) you could KILL your military dreams before they start?

Looks like you have quite a few people who care about you and you've really caused a stir. After reading the messages to you on here (and I'm guessing that people have sent you private messages as well), what do you think? Are you still inclined on getting wasted for your birthday?
You have teenage children, wolfen. I never thought you were supporting him in his underage drinking. I figured you were just playing devil's advocate. Which you do so well. :p

Naaa, Now 18 is different if your in the military, old enough to die for your country, old enough for a beer with me.
heh, i'm 17 in april. on friday, i drank an entire bottle of vodka, neat, on my own. i did it for entirely the wrong reasons, and i think i'm lucky i survived.

However, in my mis-spent youth, i have drank a lot more than that (alcohol:non alcohol ratio)