A Thread about... NOTHING!

But whats considered sane?
Me who lets it all out?
Or a buisness man who keeps it all inand winds up in a suit standing in a school yard with an AK47 asking god for mone bullets?
fair point, fair point.

the business man would be considered more sane until his "unfortunate" explosion.

i say "unfortunate" because it would have been avoided had he known how to deal with it.
And yet here I sit, I rant, I rave, I drink, I cuss out the guy that cut me off in traffic, I scream at idiots ( the looks are funny too ) I keep nothing inside, I say whats on my mind when I want to say it
I have become basically a creature of the night to avoid the rest of the world, and yet I have never failed a psych eval :) (to date anyway)

I actually have piety on the people in suits up in the offices, they have no idea what their missing down here outside the confines of buildings.
NFL Football week 17

Guys, opinions please, Bengals to win against Chiefs or vice versa??? I'm finding it hard to tip, although I was leaning towards Cincinnati, solely because of homeground advantage..........
not a clue mocco.

Wolfen; i know what you mean. i have loads of friends who won't go hiking/climbing or anything like that because it's boring.

although, these are the type that don't find anything fun w/o alcohol. We're breeding a nation of alcoholics, and we can't even see it.
Guys, opinions please, Bengals to win against Chiefs or vice versa??? I'm finding it hard to tip, although I was leaning towards Cincinnati, solely because of homeground advantage..........

I would love to believe that my Chiefs will win, but history says otherwise. :crybaby: