My manager, Nick, was trying to hang a shelf at work and accidentally drilled through a water pipe. So it became a $288 shelf after the plumbers got done fixing the pipe. Hehehe I have pictures!! They'll be going up on my MySpace. Oh yesssssss. I'm totally not above blackmail to get my way. :mrgreen: Just kidding. He's making more fun of himself than the rest of us put together. LOL
That same day, my friend, Vicki, got rear-ended by a semi. Thankfully she's okay. Her new Impala is trashed, but she's good.
Also that same day, a lady dropped off 73 rolls of film for us to develop. Its her Christmas present to her sister. Getting all of her sister's film developed. Thanks to the awesome coupon I gave her, its only going to cost a measley $178 instead of the $510 it would've cost her at full price. can't think of anything else of interest. What you up to? On Christmas Break yet?