Well, a couple of interesting things happened at school today. First off, some fresman girl vomited and passed out in her science class. The cause was traced to the Bacardi in the water bottle she had been drinking from. :bang:
The other thing kind of got me upset. The Gay/Straight Alliance had a table set up in the Cafeteria today, and a girl walked up to the people sitting at the table and told them that they will all burn in hell. Naturally, this started a bit of a confrontation and it ended with the girl getting sent to the Dean of Students. Her reasoning? The Bible says so. She even quoted the scripture, which is pretty good, until you look about five lines down from that spot in Leviticus, Chapter 11 and realize that the same section also damns to hell all who have touched a football or a lucky Rabbit's foot, as rabbits and pigs are "unclean." Her second excuse? "Well, all Christians believe that." Which, as a number of you know, is complete and utter bullsh*t.
I can't wait until this election is over... I'm sick of the redneck, wannabe Klansmen at my school talking about how evil Obama is, when they can't even point to Ohio on a map.