yes they most certainly do. cadet to cadet officer, they most certainly show respect.
A salute is a proper show of salutation and respect between people of the same honorable profession. A officer in the NJROTC corp would warrant a salute from lower ranking member of the AFJROTC corp, and vice versa, as they both are in the profession of studying military science.
Do JROTC cadets salute regular and reserve officers of the different branches in the military? Yes they do, when wearing the uniform of the profession they are studying. The uniform represents a personal yet unoffical comittment to that services profession, and all customs and courtestys will be followed.
what happens when you dont know the rank structure or insiginia of the different JROTC corp, in order to reconise and salute a cadet officer. You follow the basic rule: When in doubt, do it. You can not be faulted for saluting: you can be counseled for failure to do so.
Salutes are returned for salutes, unless the officers hands are engaged to prevent a return.
Hope this helps,