WWIII Thread

All of my borders. Everywhere. Hot, naked men with really big guns. The perfect way to keep out intruders. :twisted:
You guys are so greedy. I'm happy with Siberia, Russia, and Idaho which I'm about to blow sky high................
Guns. Like AK-47's, M-16's.....things like that. Not THOSE kind of guns. Naughty boy. ;)
Hey, I'm speaking for the gay men who aren't on this forum! Okay, maybe not, but whatever.

I shall expand my North American Empire!
Well they will have those guns, too.................But they aren't as important as the ones that kill intruders to my kingdom. :mrgreen:
Sweet! i got the north pole!

Haha, i don't need to patrol my borders... i'll just melt them off the icepacks with my hot-water guns =P
Alright, I think my Marine Corps needs a little exercise.

We'll do the following:

Take Indonesia - Raw materials, oil, tourism. That's already three ways to steal all your money.
Keep Vietnam - Korean men need Vietnamese women.
Keep Malaysia - Keep it consistent.
Take Thailand - Sex tourism. Make porn legal. Make a f*cking fortune.
Get rid of Myanmar - But only after we've completely deforested it, destroying the world's lumber suppliers by over flowing the lumber market. After all the competition is destroyed, make a killing out of sustainable logging in other parts of Southeast Asia.
Stay out of the Philippines - The women are too noisy.
Take Alaska - Just in case global warming is real. Pimp Eskimos.
Take North Korea - And then conduct some very fast trials followed by executions. Borrow Iraqi and Iranian chicks from Team Infidel for the weekend. Bring in a hot North Korean chick. Make porn film: Asses of Evil.
Take Kazakhstan - To give safe haven to those who run from TI. Set up refugee camps for them so that their children will have a chance to have a go at TI's folks. What? It creates jobs.
Take Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau - To piss off the Chinese.
Take Japan - Revenge, mother f*ckers.